Oh well, it looks like the tooth fairy may be making another visit to the Munsey household very soon.
Mar 11, 2011
Another one....
Oh well, it looks like the tooth fairy may be making another visit to the Munsey household very soon.
Feb 9, 2011
No Tears
She had a great check up with her doctor as always. She is finally in the 50% in height(39 3/4 in.) and 25 % in weight(32 lbs). Then the "S" word came up for discussion and Riley's reaction wasn't as bubbly as it had been in the beginning. She was taking it in stride and I promised her that she would get a treat for every shot she received today to help ease her anxiety.
Apparently, it worked because she actually watched the nurse inject the needles in her thighs and didn't even cry...not even a whimper!! Her only reaction when it was all said and done was, "that hurt".
What a big girl!! I am so proud of her!
Jan 31, 2011
New Project
Jan 16, 2011
Riley's 4th Birthday Party
My little rock star!!
Princess Riley had a Rapunzel Birthday Party.
Make a wish!
Shortly after Christmas, Brent and I took the girls to see the movie Tangled. It was a huge hit with the girls, especially Riley. She just had to have a Rapunzel birthday party after seeing it. My wheels immediately started spinning and getting into party mode. Between the two of us, we had come up with all sorts of party ideas.
- Luminaries in place of the lanterns
- Tower cake
- Rapunzel party favors
- Pink & purple balloons
Well, all of them happened except for the Tower Cake. Unfortunately, I didn't get any before shots of the cake, but it had an unfortunate fall. All the Kings Horsemen and all the Kings Men couldn't put "the cake" back together again. At least I get an "A" for effort....right? I was devastated and I immediately called my sister for help. Her advise was simple....go buy a cake. So, I did and added a few embellishments to it and called it a day.
Sweet Riley didn't mind at all. All she wanted was presents, cake and ice cream. That's exactly what she got! We all had a wonderful time and was extremely entertained the whole night with performances on her new "Rock Show" present. Which includes a microphone and speakers. (videos to follow)
Happy Birthday Riley!!
Jan 13, 2011
A Little Behind.....
Dressing up and going to Hotel Roanoke to look at the Festival of Trees.
Christmas party at our church.
Watching tons and tons of football.
Happy New Year!
Dec 17, 2010
Snow Day
Ida and Campbell sledding in the snow.
Jackson and Riley are all bundled up and ready to go!
Jackson's favorite part was eating the snow! Yummy!
Dec 11, 2010
Hard to believe....
...my girls actually got their picture made with Santa Claus. This is the first time they have ever had anything to do with him. They have always been content with looking at him from a distance.
Nana took the girls out to breakfast at Applebee's for a school fundraiser this morning. Jackson stayed home with Brent. As part of the "breakfast" experience, all the kids were able to get their pictures made with Santa. I can't believe I actually have proof!
Maybe we can get a picture of all three of my kids next year.
Merry Christmas!