Sep 30, 2007

Back Seat Driver

We all have stories to tell about our children and how they think they are smarter than we are. Campbell had one of those moments last night coming home from a shopping spree with Nana.

We just dropped Nana off at her house and we were headed back home. We rounded a curve and Campbell piped up and said "mommy you need to slow down". A few seconds later I heard coming from the back seat, "you need to drive with both hands on the wheel".

Sep 25, 2007

Dinner Conversation

Last night we celebrated my birthday at Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner. It was especially thoughtful because both Dawn and I are on similar diets, so our menu consisted of low carb foods.

No birthday cake on my birthday. However, I'll save that for sometime next month with a dear friend after we are off of our strict diet phases. : )

Campbell loves to talk. She talks non stop. I'm convinced she gets it from my side of the family. (((I love you mom and sister))) So, basically she talks about anything that comes to her mind. Yesterday it was about Riley. Here's how the conversation went...

Campbell: Was Riley in your belly?
Mommy: Yes she was!
Campbell: Was she born at the hospital?
Mommy: Yes, ma'am.
Campbell: How did she come out of your belly?
Mommy: Urg...the doctors pulled her out?

Trust me, I don't want to hide anything from Campbell in this area because giving birth to a child is a beautiful and natural thing. However, I wasn't extremely comfortable having that particular conversation in front of my In-Laws. So, if she does happen to bring it up again (in the privacy of our home), then I'll go into a little more detail. For right now she was satisfied with my answer.

Now I can breath with a sign of relief!

Sep 20, 2007

Clean Teeth

At my last dentist appointment, my dentist recommended that I bring Campbell to my next visit. Closer to our appointment, we would practice opening our mouth and pretending to look at each others teeth and spitting water into the sink. All good patients have to swish water in their mouths and spit...right?

So, today was the day. The Dentist Appointment! I wasn't sure exactly how she was going to react, so I went first. The dental assistant was so good with her by explaining everything she was doing. Thankfully, I use an Oral B battery operated tooth brush, which looks similar to what a dentist office uses. Campbell has seen me brush my teeth hundreds of times so that didn't phase her one bit! In a flash my check up was over.

Now for the real test. It was Campbell's turn to sit in the big chair. She was hesitant at first. So, the dental assistant suggested that Campbell sit in my lap. Once she mentioned the bubble gum tooth paste, Campbell practically jumped on top of me. Literally, Campbell was laying on top of me when Dr. Clark leaned the chair back. He asked her to open her mouth and she fully cooperated. I couldn't believe it! Before he made one move he explained exactly what he was going to do. When it was time to use the tooth brush she didn't even flinch. Before you now it, he was done. She rinsed her mouth out with water and spit in the sink. Just like we practiced. After her appointment she got a ring of her choice.

Each of us got a good report with no cavities.

I am so proud of her!

Although, I'm still wondering why they have never offered me the bubble gum flavored tooth paste?

Sep 17, 2007

Birthday Cake and Rolling Over

My mom arrived in town on Thursday and we have had such a wonderful time together. What a joy it is to spend some one-on-one time with her. She has been a huge help with the girls as well. I have been able to catch up on a few things and relax at the same time. You can't beat that with a stick.

My in-laws have been so thoughtful and helpful by offering to take us out to dinner and inviting us over for some BBQ while my mom has been here. Last night after dinner, Diane and Ron surprised me with a birthday cake because they knew my mom couldn't be with me on my actual birthday. I thought we were just having dessert, imagine my surprise when everyone started singing "Happy Birthday" to me. That is so sweet! (So, if anyone gets the craving for chocolate, I have plenty of cake in my frig.)

I am excited to report that Riley hit another milestone! She is now rolling over onto her tummy. Riley is a back sleeper. So, when Brent went in to wake her up from her second nap yesterday evening she was on her tummy. She was apparently trying to roll back on to her back but she got caught up in her blanket. Most of today she has been trying to roll over from a sitting position....and then gets stuck. So, she has a little bit ways to go, but she will get there. I can tell that she really wants to be mobile, but can't quite figure it out yet.

I don't think I am ready for her to be on the move just yet, so hopefully she will take her time!

Sep 13, 2007

Am I laughing yet?

Have you ever had one of those nights that you wish you could just "do over"?

Did you ever make a Wal-Mart run around 3am? Did you know that people actually do their grocery shopping that early in the morning? I saw it first hand. No, I wasn't buying food.....batteries!

Around 2:30 this morning Brent and I heard some beeping noises coming from down stairs. It's that kind of annoying beeping that you hear every 2 minutes without fail. Hoping that it will miraculously go away on it's own. So, we laid in bed for a few more minutes thinking it was just our imagination. Then we come to the conclusion that it must be a smoke detector low on batteries. Of course, it takes 9 Volt batteries. Who has spare 9 Volt batteries? Well, I can tell you that we don't....until now.

After returning from Wal-mart with the batteries and installing them in the smoke detector, I waited patiently. Just to hear another BEEP across the room. It was the Carbon Monoxide Detector. By this time I was convinced it was a conspiracy. So, Brent told me to just simply unplug it and we'll deal with it in the morning. Silence........

I guess you can add "unplug it" to the rest of the "jiggle the handle" and "turn it on and off" remedies of the world.

Am I laughing yet? Give me a few more hours and a cup of coffee. Then we'll see. : )

Sep 12, 2007

Potty Seat

Campbell's favorite person in the world is her friend, Ida. She is a well known household name especially during dinner time. She often prays for her at dinner time and bed time as well.

Every time we play on Ida's swing set, Campbell has to check out her potty before we go home for bath time. She has mentioned several times that Ida doesn't use a potty seat. So, in the last few days, Campbell told me that she doesn't need a potty seat either because Ida doesn't use one.

So, there you have it. I guess I will be saving the potty seats for Riley.

Sep 5, 2007


This was our conversation at breakfast this morning:

Campbell: Are these dots on my arm?
Mommy: No, they are freckles.
Campbell: Does Riley have freckles?
Mommy: No, not yet.
Campbell: Riley will get them when she gets bigger and bigger.