Oct 28, 2007

First of Many

Riley has her first tooth! It hasn't quite made a full appearance yet, but you can defititely feel it.

We had lunch at Diane's house after church. We all noticed that Riley was being a little fussy today. So, Diane asked if she was teething? Sure enough, we felt the tip of the tooth when we ran our fingers over her gums. So, that explains why my sweet little girl was a grump-a-lump.

Oct 26, 2007


Each semester our MOPS group has a night where the moms and dads can come together for a night of fun. Childcare is provided, so it is a win - win situation for both parents and children.

This semester we decided to have a "Fall" theme where dress up was optional. Brent and I decided to borrow some clothes from his mom and her husband and go as bikers. Since we don't have a Harley Davidson Motorcycle, we decided to call ourselves the "minivan warriors".

All the parents had such a wonderful time and was able to be a kid all over again. We ate pizza, attempted to eat donuts off a sting without using our hands, stuffed as many marshmallows in our mouth as we possibly could, and played the DVD version of Family Feud.

When we got home, Nana had both girls in bed. It was a perfect night!

Oct 23, 2007

Nine Months Old

Can you believe that Riley is already nine months old?

I took her in for her well visit today and she weighed 17 pounds and 2 ounces. Her height is 27 3/4 inches long. Basically, she is in the 25-50 percentile at the moment. Her doctor said that she was doing great and he wanted to see her in three months at her 12 month visit.

Wait a minute.....12 months?? No way! My little girl growing up way too fast.

I'm in denial.

Oct 21, 2007

My Little Pumpkins

Yesterday after lunch, we headed over to the Layman's Pumpkin Patch. It was a big hit last year so we decided to go back again this year. Campbell still loves it! Riley really enjoyed herself too. She was all smiles from the moment we got out of the minivan.

Campbell has definitely earned her right as a "big girl". She actually rode the cow train all by herself. Actually, I lost tract of the times she rode it. Probably around 6-8 times. She enjoyed the corn crib, hay ride, and especially the corn snake. We even took home a 7lb pumpkin as a souvenir.

I just love fall. It has to be one of my favorite times of the year. Especially when I can spend it with my three favorite people.

Oct 10, 2007

swing set

Campbell always says the blessing before meal time. Usually she thanks God for our food, friends and family. However, today at lunch she added in her own little special touch. She went out on the limb and prayed for our house and Ida's swing set.

(For those of you that don't know, Ida is Campbell's best friend. Two peas in a pod, dynamic duo, etc.... You get the picture.)

I have always been told that if something is important to me, than it is important to God too. Apparently, Campbell has caught on to that concept.

Oct 6, 2007

French Doors

Yep...we got 'em! French doors in our basement that leads out to our "future" patio! Brent and his dad did such a great job! In reality, it only took half a day to put them in. All that is left is putting the siding back on the house. Brent should be able to finish that tomorrow....I hope.

What's next...finished basement? Patio?? Only time will tell!