Apr 28, 2009

First Bottle and Art Show

Here is the wall of fame from Campbell's Preschool class. There is a train in the center with their pictures in each car surrounded with all their art work.

Campbell, Grace and Caroline posing in front of the tree.

Diane, Campbell and Riley are all helping Jackson drink from his first bottle yesterday. He finished it in 10 minutes flat!!

Apr 27, 2009

Well Rested

Jackson is showing signs of sleeping through the night at only a month old. (officially he will be a month old tomorrow) I put him to bed around 10:30 last night right after I fed him and he didn't wake up until 6:00 this morning!

Ahhh.....I finally got a good nights sleep.

He may not be consistent with his sleeping patterns at the moment, but I'll take what I can get!