Campbell is "Star of the Week" at school. All the kids in her classroom get a turn to bring home the class mascot, Star. Over the weekend we took tons of pictures and put it in his journal and printed out all of Campbell's favorite things to be turned in on Monday. She presented it to the class in addition to sharing something special from home each day of the week. Yesterday she brought in a Barbie. Today she took her Diamond Castle Laptop. Tomorrow she is torn between her camera or one of her favorite books. On Wednesday she will eat a special lunch with her teacher, Mrs. Watson and invite a friend to join them. On Friday she gets to bring in a special snack to share with her classmates. She has already decided to take those yummy cookies from Wal-Mart with the pink icing. I hope they have some left over! : )
We really did have a lot of fun doing it even though it was a lot of work on my part. You can check out more pictures of Star under "Our Pictures".