Riley loves her new outfit and shoes!

Riley is ready for her first day of preschool.

Riley with her teachers, Mrs. Maynor and Mrs. Keith at Bonsack Baptist Preschool.
Riley woke up at 6:00 yesterday morning and was raring to go to her first day of preschool. By 7:00 she was dressed, fed and ready to walk out the door with backpack and all. I had to quickly remind her that school didn't start until 9:00. When I dropped her off she went right into her class room with no questions asked! I knew at that moment she was going to have a wonderful day.
When I picked her up she was all smiles and couldn't wait to show me the craft she had done in her classroom. It was a self portrait made out of a small paper plate and popsicle stick. So very cute! It went perfectly along with the theme for this week, "All About Me". Their bible verse for the week is, "I am wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
She has also hit another milestone. No more pacifiers!!! We have been preparing her for months that when she started preschool she would give up her paci. She was on board until nap time yesterday. My strong willed (and loud) little girl didn't go down gracefully. Needless to say, she basically cried herself to sleep. The same for bedtime last night as well. The good news is that it will only get better from here.
I am so proud of my BIG girl!