Dec 24, 2007

Yule Log

Can you believe I made a Holiday Yule Log for our Christmas Eve Dinner? I've seen plenty of pictures of them and I told myself I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Well, I decided this was the year to give it a try. The cake itself came from a cake mix out of a box. However, the filling and frosting were made from scratch using all natural ingredients. I have to admit...I am so proud of myself! : )

So, does it look like a branch to you?

Dec 19, 2007

Christmas Lights

Last night, Nana and the four of us went to the Elk Home to look at Christmas lights. The Christmas music was blaring on the radio the whole way there. Campbell and I were singing to the top of our lungs. Riley was just looking at us the entire time and making noises. So, you could say that she was joining in with us!

They had over 50,000 lights on the grounds! It was absolutely beautiful! I was extremely impressed they focused on baby Jesus and encouraged the parents to talk about the birth of our King while looking at the scenery. How refreshing!

After taking in all the lights, we headed over to The Station for a cup of hot chocolate. The perfect ending to the perfect day!

Dec 10, 2007

Gingerbread Men Cookies

Campbell and I are starting a new tradition by making Gingerbread Men Cookies during the Holidays. She loves to be in the kitchen with me and trying new recipes just as much as I do. Our favorite part is sampling the food along the way. Especially the beaters from the electric hand mixer.

I wonder what we will whip up in the kitchen next week?

Just wait....Riley will be able to help us next year!

Dec 8, 2007

Christmas Dresses

This morning Nana and I took the girls to the Hotel Roanoke for some Christmas photo's in their matching dresses. I just loved this picture of the girls standing in front of a huge mirror. Isn't it adorable! What a good Christmas card this will make!

Merry Christmas!

Dec 2, 2007

Gingerbread House

Look what we made!

We all put on our jammies and went to town on decorating the gingerbread house. I just love Christmas!

Dec 1, 2007

Our Wedding Anniversary

Look what I got for my Wedding Anniversary present! A coffee maker! I can't wait to use it tomorrow morning.

We have been married for 6 years now with two beautiful children. I'm looking forward to many more happy memories together.

Brent and I are going out on a date and the girls are having a sleep over at Nana's house tonight. Yes....both of them! She is a brave woman!

What am I going to wear?

Atlanta Aquarium

Over the Thanksgiving Holiday, my parents, the Munsey Clan and I went to see the most fascinating creatures at the Atlanta Aquarium. Campbell loved it and can't wait to go back.

After re-visiting the Atlanta area, we have a greater appreciation of Roanoke and our slow pace of life.

Nov 20, 2007

Merry Thanksgiving

Tomorrow the four of us are leaving for Alabama to spend Thanksgiving with my family. We are just about packed and ready to go. I'm especially excited because this will be Riley's first Thanksgiving and Christmas all in one weekend. Considering it is hard for us to make the trip up for both Holidays, we just combine them into one big event. So, that is why it is called, "Merry Thanksgiving". It has a nice ring to it...don't you think?

This year is going to be special because my parents and the Munsey clan are planning on going to the Atlanta Aquarium on Black Friday. Afterwards, we will get to spend some time with some dear friends of ours. (David and Trish and their two kids.)

On Saturday, all of the Day/Munsey/Bryants will get our family portraits taken and on Sunday will plan on opening Christmas presents after lunch. We have a lot planned while we are in town, but it will be so much fun!

This is wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you enjoy your time with your family and friends!

Nov 8, 2007


Brent and I are surrounded with loving family and friends. It especially became clear to me when Brent committed on going to the Emmaus Walk this weekend. I was so amazed with all the support that was given to him through emails, letters, and phone calls.

Brent was clueless on some of the "behind the scene" stuff that was going on around him. For starters, my pastor from church called and asked me to provide him with encouraging letters upon his arrival. Also, he went out of his way to provide Brent his favorite snacks....chips and dip with Caffeine Free Diet Dr. Pepper. Brent is going to be a happy man!

Thank you for your prayers, friendship and most

Nov 5, 2007


Campbell helped me make brownies today after lunch for my weekly bible study that is meeting at my house tonight. She surprised me when she told me to set the oven on 3-5-0-F. Then I realized that she was reading the pictures on the back of the brownie box. Next, she preceded to tell me to put the pan into the oven.

While the brownies were baking, I went up stairs to do some chores. A little later on, she came up to tell me the timer was going off and that I needed to get the brownies out of the oven.

How did I ever survive this long without her?

After the brownies had cooled, Brent was home by this time. You always have to test your goods before giving them to your guest, so I nibbled on a corner piece. I thought it tasted rather odd. I asked Brent to try some as well, but he didn't really notice the difference. Then I realized that I had used Olive Oil instead of Vegetable Oil so it would seem a little more "health conscious".

Boy was I mistaken! They had the worst after taste of any dessert I had ever made. Needless to say, they ended up in the trash can! YUCK!

I am not a baker! I like to use a little bit of this and that in my recipes. You can't do that with desserts. Oh is a formula.

I made a call to my sister for some help and she reminded me that I needed to substitute apple sauce in the place of the oil. Now you tell me....

I'll never make that mistake again.

So, at the last minute I ran to Wal-Mart and picked up some Boston Cream Cake for tonight. Campbell didn't seem to mind that her brownies were missing in action. She was just thrilled to be eating cake!

I think we can all learn from her. A little grace and mercy goes a long way!

Nov 2, 2007


Campbell wanted to be a black kitty cat for Halloween. So, I did what any good mother would do. I dressed her up as a cat. She and her friends in the neighborhood had so much fun on Wednesday night while trick - or - treating.

A few of us moms huddled together because our girls are all the same age. We were amazed how much faster it went this year than last. We come to the conclusion that they were a little more confident and they would run from house to house screaming, "I want candy"!

Campbell couldn't wait to get home to see all the candy she received. It was so exciting. It made me want to be a kid again. Then again....she only wants the hard candy. Leaving me with all the chocolate!

I really wanted to get Riley in the photo's but she wasn't feeling very well. Later on we found out that she had an ear infection. Hopefully, we'll get some good Halloween pictures of her next year.

Oct 28, 2007

First of Many

Riley has her first tooth! It hasn't quite made a full appearance yet, but you can defititely feel it.

We had lunch at Diane's house after church. We all noticed that Riley was being a little fussy today. So, Diane asked if she was teething? Sure enough, we felt the tip of the tooth when we ran our fingers over her gums. So, that explains why my sweet little girl was a grump-a-lump.

Oct 26, 2007


Each semester our MOPS group has a night where the moms and dads can come together for a night of fun. Childcare is provided, so it is a win - win situation for both parents and children.

This semester we decided to have a "Fall" theme where dress up was optional. Brent and I decided to borrow some clothes from his mom and her husband and go as bikers. Since we don't have a Harley Davidson Motorcycle, we decided to call ourselves the "minivan warriors".

All the parents had such a wonderful time and was able to be a kid all over again. We ate pizza, attempted to eat donuts off a sting without using our hands, stuffed as many marshmallows in our mouth as we possibly could, and played the DVD version of Family Feud.

When we got home, Nana had both girls in bed. It was a perfect night!

Oct 23, 2007

Nine Months Old

Can you believe that Riley is already nine months old?

I took her in for her well visit today and she weighed 17 pounds and 2 ounces. Her height is 27 3/4 inches long. Basically, she is in the 25-50 percentile at the moment. Her doctor said that she was doing great and he wanted to see her in three months at her 12 month visit.

Wait a minute.....12 months?? No way! My little girl growing up way too fast.

I'm in denial.

Oct 21, 2007

My Little Pumpkins

Yesterday after lunch, we headed over to the Layman's Pumpkin Patch. It was a big hit last year so we decided to go back again this year. Campbell still loves it! Riley really enjoyed herself too. She was all smiles from the moment we got out of the minivan.

Campbell has definitely earned her right as a "big girl". She actually rode the cow train all by herself. Actually, I lost tract of the times she rode it. Probably around 6-8 times. She enjoyed the corn crib, hay ride, and especially the corn snake. We even took home a 7lb pumpkin as a souvenir.

I just love fall. It has to be one of my favorite times of the year. Especially when I can spend it with my three favorite people.

Oct 10, 2007

swing set

Campbell always says the blessing before meal time. Usually she thanks God for our food, friends and family. However, today at lunch she added in her own little special touch. She went out on the limb and prayed for our house and Ida's swing set.

(For those of you that don't know, Ida is Campbell's best friend. Two peas in a pod, dynamic duo, etc.... You get the picture.)

I have always been told that if something is important to me, than it is important to God too. Apparently, Campbell has caught on to that concept.

Oct 6, 2007

French Doors

Yep...we got 'em! French doors in our basement that leads out to our "future" patio! Brent and his dad did such a great job! In reality, it only took half a day to put them in. All that is left is putting the siding back on the house. Brent should be able to finish that tomorrow....I hope.

What's next...finished basement? Patio?? Only time will tell!

Sep 30, 2007

Back Seat Driver

We all have stories to tell about our children and how they think they are smarter than we are. Campbell had one of those moments last night coming home from a shopping spree with Nana.

We just dropped Nana off at her house and we were headed back home. We rounded a curve and Campbell piped up and said "mommy you need to slow down". A few seconds later I heard coming from the back seat, "you need to drive with both hands on the wheel".

Sep 25, 2007

Dinner Conversation

Last night we celebrated my birthday at Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner. It was especially thoughtful because both Dawn and I are on similar diets, so our menu consisted of low carb foods.

No birthday cake on my birthday. However, I'll save that for sometime next month with a dear friend after we are off of our strict diet phases. : )

Campbell loves to talk. She talks non stop. I'm convinced she gets it from my side of the family. (((I love you mom and sister))) So, basically she talks about anything that comes to her mind. Yesterday it was about Riley. Here's how the conversation went...

Campbell: Was Riley in your belly?
Mommy: Yes she was!
Campbell: Was she born at the hospital?
Mommy: Yes, ma'am.
Campbell: How did she come out of your belly?
Mommy: Urg...the doctors pulled her out?

Trust me, I don't want to hide anything from Campbell in this area because giving birth to a child is a beautiful and natural thing. However, I wasn't extremely comfortable having that particular conversation in front of my In-Laws. So, if she does happen to bring it up again (in the privacy of our home), then I'll go into a little more detail. For right now she was satisfied with my answer.

Now I can breath with a sign of relief!

Sep 20, 2007

Clean Teeth

At my last dentist appointment, my dentist recommended that I bring Campbell to my next visit. Closer to our appointment, we would practice opening our mouth and pretending to look at each others teeth and spitting water into the sink. All good patients have to swish water in their mouths and spit...right?

So, today was the day. The Dentist Appointment! I wasn't sure exactly how she was going to react, so I went first. The dental assistant was so good with her by explaining everything she was doing. Thankfully, I use an Oral B battery operated tooth brush, which looks similar to what a dentist office uses. Campbell has seen me brush my teeth hundreds of times so that didn't phase her one bit! In a flash my check up was over.

Now for the real test. It was Campbell's turn to sit in the big chair. She was hesitant at first. So, the dental assistant suggested that Campbell sit in my lap. Once she mentioned the bubble gum tooth paste, Campbell practically jumped on top of me. Literally, Campbell was laying on top of me when Dr. Clark leaned the chair back. He asked her to open her mouth and she fully cooperated. I couldn't believe it! Before he made one move he explained exactly what he was going to do. When it was time to use the tooth brush she didn't even flinch. Before you now it, he was done. She rinsed her mouth out with water and spit in the sink. Just like we practiced. After her appointment she got a ring of her choice.

Each of us got a good report with no cavities.

I am so proud of her!

Although, I'm still wondering why they have never offered me the bubble gum flavored tooth paste?

Sep 17, 2007

Birthday Cake and Rolling Over

My mom arrived in town on Thursday and we have had such a wonderful time together. What a joy it is to spend some one-on-one time with her. She has been a huge help with the girls as well. I have been able to catch up on a few things and relax at the same time. You can't beat that with a stick.

My in-laws have been so thoughtful and helpful by offering to take us out to dinner and inviting us over for some BBQ while my mom has been here. Last night after dinner, Diane and Ron surprised me with a birthday cake because they knew my mom couldn't be with me on my actual birthday. I thought we were just having dessert, imagine my surprise when everyone started singing "Happy Birthday" to me. That is so sweet! (So, if anyone gets the craving for chocolate, I have plenty of cake in my frig.)

I am excited to report that Riley hit another milestone! She is now rolling over onto her tummy. Riley is a back sleeper. So, when Brent went in to wake her up from her second nap yesterday evening she was on her tummy. She was apparently trying to roll back on to her back but she got caught up in her blanket. Most of today she has been trying to roll over from a sitting position....and then gets stuck. So, she has a little bit ways to go, but she will get there. I can tell that she really wants to be mobile, but can't quite figure it out yet.

I don't think I am ready for her to be on the move just yet, so hopefully she will take her time!

Sep 13, 2007

Am I laughing yet?

Have you ever had one of those nights that you wish you could just "do over"?

Did you ever make a Wal-Mart run around 3am? Did you know that people actually do their grocery shopping that early in the morning? I saw it first hand. No, I wasn't buying food.....batteries!

Around 2:30 this morning Brent and I heard some beeping noises coming from down stairs. It's that kind of annoying beeping that you hear every 2 minutes without fail. Hoping that it will miraculously go away on it's own. So, we laid in bed for a few more minutes thinking it was just our imagination. Then we come to the conclusion that it must be a smoke detector low on batteries. Of course, it takes 9 Volt batteries. Who has spare 9 Volt batteries? Well, I can tell you that we don't....until now.

After returning from Wal-mart with the batteries and installing them in the smoke detector, I waited patiently. Just to hear another BEEP across the room. It was the Carbon Monoxide Detector. By this time I was convinced it was a conspiracy. So, Brent told me to just simply unplug it and we'll deal with it in the morning. Silence........

I guess you can add "unplug it" to the rest of the "jiggle the handle" and "turn it on and off" remedies of the world.

Am I laughing yet? Give me a few more hours and a cup of coffee. Then we'll see. : )

Sep 12, 2007

Potty Seat

Campbell's favorite person in the world is her friend, Ida. She is a well known household name especially during dinner time. She often prays for her at dinner time and bed time as well.

Every time we play on Ida's swing set, Campbell has to check out her potty before we go home for bath time. She has mentioned several times that Ida doesn't use a potty seat. So, in the last few days, Campbell told me that she doesn't need a potty seat either because Ida doesn't use one.

So, there you have it. I guess I will be saving the potty seats for Riley.

Sep 5, 2007


This was our conversation at breakfast this morning:

Campbell: Are these dots on my arm?
Mommy: No, they are freckles.
Campbell: Does Riley have freckles?
Mommy: No, not yet.
Campbell: Riley will get them when she gets bigger and bigger.

Aug 31, 2007


I was recently tagged by my friend Jamie. Ironically, I'm new to the world of blogging and I don't know anyone that blogs besides her. So, I'll simply play along and if anyone feels brave enough to share some "random facts/habits about themselves in the comment section, than make yourself at home!

The rules: Post the rules before giving the facts. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of the your blog you need to tag (hopefully) six people and list their names. Leave them a comment on their blog, telling them they have been tagged and not to forget to read your blog.

Here goes nothing:

1) I have never smoked a cigarette or used drugs.

2) I started selling Discovery Toys when Campbell was four months old. As a consultant, your goal is to earn your way to the incentive trips that are held in February of each year. The year I joined they decided to send 10 "wild card" winners on this trip. Basically, they draw random names out of a hat of the consultants that didn't quite make the numbers. Imagine my surprise when my Senior Consultant called me with the good news. You guessed it! I was one of the lucky wild card winners! On top of that, I could take one person with me on this FREE (air fare included) all-inclusive resort to Los Cabos, Mexico. Brent and I had a wonderful time! I stopped selling DT soon afterwards. I got my free trip out of it and I was done! Check out my pics on our website. : )

3) When I was in the seventh grade I cheated on a few of my spelling test and never got caught. I would basically write the words on my desk and cover it with my paper. At the end of the year I got a certificate for having the highest spelling average in my class. I know....that's really, really bad!!

4) When I was 16 years old, a friend and I were in a near drowning accident in Panama City Beach, FL. The current was so strong that it swept both us out from under our feet. I remember praying for God to save us. Eventually, we couldn't fight it any longer and lost consciousness. Thankfully, God heard my prayers and we were rescued while floating on our backs. As soon as we were pulled out of the water we gained consciousness. I remember to this day while I was laying on the beach waiting for the ambulance to come and get us, my mom said to me in so many words, "God saved you because he is going to bless you with grandchildren". We were released from the hospital 3 days later.

5) While I was in college I wanted to conquer my fear of the water and became a certified life guard at a local military base.

6) I went on a couple of mission trips while in college for the summer in Panama City Beach, FL with Campus Outreach Ministries.

7) I was a "Mat Maid" my last two years of high school. (Wrestling Cheerleader)

8) I used to love Strawberry Shortcake Doll when I was a child. I had Strawberry Shortcake curtains and bedspread. I think my sister had Holly Hobby.

OK, I think that does it.

Aug 23, 2007

Just For Fun

Considering I haven't blogged in awhile, I thought I would put something out here for the fun of it. So, the first thing that comes to mind is pet peeves. We all have them, some more than others. So, here's my top five list. What are yours?

1. Not replacing the trash bag
2. Arriving somewhere late
3. Clutter
4. Not cleaning up after yourself
5. Not completing a project

I would love to hear from you....just have fun with it!

Aug 14, 2007

Water Babies

Nana, the girls and I had so much fun at the Randolph Water Park today. It is basically one HUGE pool with an over size kiddy pool in the shallow end. Also, a separate smaller kiddy pool just for the babies with a frog squirting water out of its mouth. That is why it is know as the "Frog Pond".

I hope we get to go back one weekend so Brent can join us, but considering the water park closes on September 3rd, I highly doubt it. Way too many house projects that take priority at this time. However, when we go back I will definitely take Campbell a life vest or some swim rings.

I just can't believe how tired I was when we got home. It is so true about how the sun wears you out. Thankfully, we had left overs in the fridge. If not leftovers, more than likely it would have been take out. ( sounds really good right now. I will have to put that on my next weeks menu.)

Thank you Nana for taking off from work just to spend time with us. More than likely we would not have gone if it wasn't for you!

Aug 10, 2007

Baseball Game

Every year Brent's department at work goes to the Salem Avalanche baseball game. They are our local 1A team and it's a great family outing. However, this year it was scheduled on the hottest day of the year. The temperature hit a whopping 105 degrees!! Thankfully, the girls enjoy being outside and they loved it. Brent and I on the other hand couldn't wait until we could get back into the comfort of our AC at the house.

We are always looking for ways to spend time together as a family. It's the simple things in life that make "making memories" so much fun. Even if it is a local baseball game and you only stay through the top of the third inning because it's the girls bedtime. As long as Campbell gets her Dipping Dots ice cream while she is there, than she is happy.

Aug 4, 2007

Wildlife Sightings this week in our back yard

Deer on a foggy Wednesday morning:
4 point buck
6 point buck
8-10 point buck

multiple hummingbirds, multiple days (thanks Pee-Paw)
one huge hawk perching Saturday evening

We ain't in the big city of Atlanta anymore (which was rated the #2 most unhealthy work commute in the United States by this week).

Jul 30, 2007

Date Night

Brent and I actually went out on a date last night. I have to admit, I was a little rusty. It's been way too long since he and I were alone together. We shared a delicious Reuben at The New Yorker and amazed how quickly we were in and out of the restaurant. We actually had a nice and quiet dinner without any interruptions or distractions. I forgotten exactly how quickly meal time can be without children.

After dinner we headed over to the theater to catch a movie. You can imagine my surprise when the person taking my money told me to give him $17 dollars for two adults. It nearly took my breath away. When did the theater prices go up? I know I haven't been to the theater since before Campbell was born, but that is ridiculous!

Once we got over the initial shock of the movie inflation, we got settled in and anticipated the the whole surround sound effect from our seats. We were like two kids in a candy store just waiting for "I Pronounce You, Chuck and Larry" to begin. Considering it got such great reviews, we knew we were not going to be disappointed.

WRONG!! Halfway through the movie Brent leans over to me and said that he was ready to go home. Considering I dished out the dough for this flick I was definitely getting my money's worth out of it. So we decided to stay and tough it out. I'm glad we did because it may be a while before we can afford another one.

I hope we can continue to have date nights at least once a month. Even if it is to run errands together. It will definitely be worth it!

Thanks Nana for babysitting and making us get out of the house. We love you!

Jul 27, 2007

She did it!

Campbell started using the potty on her own! Today we even wore our panties to McDonald's for our neighborhood playgroup. Normally I would have put her in pull ups to go out in public, but not today. The 5 or 6 months of training has finally paid off. We still wear pull up at bedtime, but I'm sure that will come to an end very soon.

Several people told me that one day it is just going to click and she will be a pro at it in no time. I had my doubts, but they were right. It seemed like one day she was having accidents left and right and the next she was going on her own and telling me about it after the fact.

OK...I can officially say that I survived potty training! : ) After everything was said and wasn't so bad after all.

Jul 23, 2007

Riley's 6 month check up

Riley had a wonderful check up today with Dr. Moore. Once again....he said that she was perfect! Her weight is 14-2 and height 26 1/2. She is still in the 25 percentile for weight and 75 percentile in height. She didn't like getting the three shots, but she cried for only a few seconds.

Jul 18, 2007

Sweet Potato

Riley had her first taste of real food today.

Sweet Potato's!

The first bite caught her off guard, but she really started getting into it after awhile. I can't wait to see what she eats next. Maybe peas or carrots. Yummy!

Finding Santa Claus

Campbell loves for me to read her stories out of her bible. She is fascinated with all of the colorful pictures and she is getting really good at memorizing some of the bible stories as well. However, during lunch today she asked me to find Santa Claus in her bible. I'm not exactly sure what brought that on, but she was confident that she saw him in there once before. I reiterated that we celebrate Jesus' birth on Christmas and assured her that Santa Claus was not anywhere to be found in there. Thankfully, I was saved by the bell,(the door bell that is), with a visit from Grandpa. She immediately turned her focus on him and apparently she forgot all about finding Santa Claus.

Jul 14, 2007

Mommy Time

On Friday I headed out to the MOPS Retreat with the rest of the Steering Team to plan for the Fall 2007 and Spring 2008 calendar year. We stayed in a beautiful home with the most amazing view of the Roanoke Valley I have ever seen. No distractions, just peace and quiet. We were able to get quite a bit accomplished in the past couple of days and boy do I have a lot on my plate! After all the planning was discussed and homework assigned, it was time to say goodbye and go back to reality. We were having such a wonderful time without the children and our husbands that we all just sat there looking at each other not wanting to leave our place of solitude.

After much debating, we decided it was time to get in our vehicles and head back home to be mommies and wives again. Back to cleaning, cooking, changing diapers, formula, sippy cups and pull ups. I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I do enjoy a break every now and then.

Jul 6, 2007


It amazes me what comes out of the mouth of children. While Brent was giving Campbell a bath, she looked at him and said that her pink bunny had tendonitis. What??? Tendonitis???? Does she even know what that means?? Where did she pick that up?

Look out medical comes Campbell!

A family af"fair"

Have I ever told you how much I love the fair? It makes me feel like a kid again. Now, I look forward watching Campbell enjoy it as much as I did when I was younger.

My Mom, Dad, and Peepaw stayed with me for a week after the baby dedication for some much needed time together. One of our many places to see and do on our list was the Salem Fair. Campbell really got into it this year and actually rode most of the rides by herself. Considering last year she wouldn't have anything to do with them, this was a drastic improvement. I honestly didn't know how she would react because she has always shyed away from loud noises. It's amazing what a year can do for a child. Just watching her on the rides made me look at her with a whole new perspective. She truly is a big girl now!

Jul 2, 2007

Riley's Dedication

Riley was dedicated at church yesterday morning. It was a speical moment for all of us. I was extremely thankful that we could share it with both mine and Brent's family. It is rare that we are all together at the same time.

Many prayers were said for Riley that were so precious and thoughtful. This is one of those moments that I will cherish for a lifetime.

Children are such a wonderful gift from God.

Jun 27, 2007


Just when I thought Campbell was going to bypass the "why" phase in her began today!!! I know that asking questions is the only way to learn, but enough is enough and it has only begun.

Here's an example of one of our conversations....

Mommy: Campbell, we need to come inside the house.
Campbell: Why mommy?
Mommy: Because it is raining and I hear thunder.
Campbell: Why is it raining?
Mommy: Because, my flowers need a drink of water.
Campbell: Why?
Mommy: Because they are thirsty.
Campbell: Why are they thirsty?

As you can see, this conversation did go on for quite awhile. Eventually it was nap time and I was able to get a little peace and quiet.

Homestead Creamery Tour

I first learned about the Homestead Creamery from a neighbor recently. The milk truck was giving away free samples of their milk and we gladly accepted. I was extremely impressed because they strive to maintain an all-natural product. So, we are now having them deliver milk to our house every Thursday. It's just something about having your milk delivered to your door.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to tour the Homestead Creamery with my local MOPS Group. Considering, I felt that I had somewhat of a connection to them, I couldn't pass it up. Also, I knew that Campbell would enjoy it as well. It was especially nice because Brent's sister was able to join us in addition to one of my neighbors and her three kids.

When we first arrived, we sat down at some picnic tables and enjoyed free samples of Orange Cream, Strawberry and Chocolate milk. Campbell's favorite was the strawberry. Afterwards, we went inside the actual building where they made the milk, butter and ice cream. Everyone had to wear hairnets before entering and Campbell thought that was very fascinating. Although, she didn't care for all the noise. After the tour, we all had free samples of yummy ice cream. I ate the chocolate chip cookie dough and Campbell had the birthday cake flavor.

Just when I thought the tour was over we all went on a short car ride over to the farm to see the cows. Did you know that they grow their own feed and raise their own cows on the family farm? How cool is that? Our tour guide brought out a calf that was born two days prior and Campbell immediately went over to pet it without any hesitation. I think she would have taken it home if I would have let her. I don't think Mittens would have appreciated it!

It was very educational and definitely worth the $5.00. I would highly recommend it.

Jun 21, 2007

A Clue?

After lunch the girls and I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few items. As we were leaving, Campbell was pointing to the ceiling and saying, "Mommy, a clue, a clue." I looked behind me and sure enough there was a big Williamburg Highschool paw print painted on the wall. Apparently, she was associating it with the cartoon, "Blue's Clue's".


Jun 15, 2007

Potty Training

We have been hibernating in our house for the past few days trying to work on potty training with Campbell. I wish I could say that we were making progress, but I can't. Is it possible to bring someone in my home to potty train my daughter for me? Obviously, I don't have the magic touch. I have read and heard so many stories about how children can be potty trained in three days. Why can't my child be like this?? My patience has run out without any to spare. Unfortunately, I think Campbell has inherited my stubborn streak.

Jun 13, 2007


Yes, that's right...Campbell can touch her tongue with her nose. Do you think she has a shot on the latest show, "America's Got Talent"? She would at least make it to the next round on cuteness alone!

Jun 9, 2007

fun day at the park

It was extremely hot and humid yesterday, but Campbell still had so much fun at the park! She just loves being outside and the hotter the better. Me on the other hand, I enjoy a nice breeze in the shade. I think our next little neighborhood playgroup should be near a pool or water sprinkler!!

Jun 4, 2007

Playful Patterns

Campbell has this gift of being able to entertain herself most of the time. My hopes and prayers is that Riley will be able to do the same. Only time will tell.

When Campbell was 4 months old I started selling Discovery Toys. Needless to say, I collected several educational toys along the way during my one and only year in the sales arena. Most of them are still a little advanced for her, but she requested to play with one in particular today. It is called Playful Patterns. Basically, it allows her to make pictures out of foam shapes. She played with that toy from 10:50am to 1:15pm. Honestly, I had to ask her to put it away so we could get ready for her nap. I was shocked that it kept her interest for that whole time. I will definitely have to keep that in mind when we are looking for something to do on a rainy day!!

I almost forgot to mention....Riley was content in her swing during this time as well. I love my sweet girls!

Jun 1, 2007


Campbell and Riley went with me to the beauty salon today. Riley slept the entire time while Campbell played with a book. It is so amazing how good my girls are out in public. I just love taking them places with me. As soon as I was finished getting my hair cut Campbell looked at me and said, "mommy, your hair is adorable". I didn't even know she knew that word!

May 23, 2007

4 Months Old

I can't believe Riley is already 4 months old. She had her check up yesterday and her Doctor said that she was fantastic! She weighed in at 12 pounds - 5 ounces and 25 inches long. She could have done without the four shots, but she only cried for just a few seconds. We also got the OK to start her on cereal too. Hopefully, it will not be too much of a mess. I'm sure big sister will just LOVE to help. That should be interesting.....

I'll keep you posted.

May 9, 2007

Back Scratch

Campbell has always been able to adapt to change especially when it comes to her schedule. Although, here lately she has been very consistent with her bed time routine for the past couple of weeks. After we tuck her into bed her request is for Mommy to say the prayers while Daddy scratches her back. Then it's Daddy's turn to say the prayers while Mommy scratches her back. She is quick to correct us when we are not doing it exactly right.

I think she will think up just about anything to prolong her bed time routine. Although, a back scratch does sound really good about now!

May 3, 2007

Be Quiet

Campbell is getting into a bad habit of telling me to be quiet. I've noticed it being the case when I am telling her something that she doesn't want to hear. For instance, pick up your toys, don't jump on the furniture, etc... You get the point. I guess it's because she hears it several times during the day when Riley is napping. So, I have been working on this problem for a few days now and trying to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. Last night I told her that she will go to time out if she tells me to be quiet one more time. Apparently, she got the hint, but wanted to push my buttons just a little further to see my reactions. This is how the conversation went:

Mommy: " Campbell, please do not jump on the furniture"
Campbell: "Mommy, BE QUIET!!"
Mommy: "Campbell, it is not polite to tell mommy to be quiet. You will go to time out if you say that one more time."
Campbell: "Mommy, BE LOUD!!"

I just smiled and shook my head and asked Brent to help her get ready for bed. I have to admit that was pretty clever.

Apr 21, 2007

Kite Day

Yesterday we had so much fun at Kite Day. The weather was beautiful and Campbell used her good manners. Nana also offered to babysit Riley for us so we could give Campbell our undivided attention. Something she has been lacking in the past three months.

Fortunately, we were one of the first 1000 kids in the gate so Campbell received a free t-shirt. We saw some beautiful kites and witnessed some amazing tricks. However, one of the kites did make a crash landing in the food line. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

After everything was said and done, I believe Campbell's favorite part of the whole day was getting her picture made with the "Q Bear". The mascot from Q 99. Oh well, I just love seeing her happy.

Next year we will be sure and take a blanket to sit on and bring a picnic lunch. Unless you want to stand in the food line for a minimum of 30 minutes just to hear your daughter say, "I'm still hungry"......

Apr 19, 2007


Riley did it!! She actually slept through the night without waking up crying for her pacifier. She woke up on her own around 7am this morning just laying in bed cooing.

Campbell is such a big girl. She is in the process of being potty trained. Yesterday after dinner she told Brent that she needed to go potty. She actually did #2 in the potty all by herself!!

I just love moments like these.......

Apr 12, 2007

Campbell's 3rd Birthday Party

OK...I know that I am putting this blog a little out of order. I do have a good excuse. We recently bought a new digtal camera and it took me a while to figure out how to upload the pictures to the computer. As you can see, I finally figured it out and now I can proudly show off the birthday cake I made for Campbell's birthday party on Saturday, April 7th. We had a small family gathering and everyone had a great time especially Campbell. She received so many gifts you would have thought it was Christmas all over again. The best present of all was her Dora bike. I'll be posting some shots of her riding the bike soon.

By the way....where's the warm weather??

Happy Easter!!!

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