We have been hibernating in our house for the past few days trying to work on potty training with Campbell. I wish I could say that we were making progress, but I can't. Is it possible to bring someone in my home to potty train my daughter for me? Obviously, I don't have the magic touch. I have read and heard so many stories about how children can be potty trained in three days. Why can't my child be like this?? My patience has run out without any to spare. Unfortunately, I think Campbell has inherited my stubborn streak.
I could send Ida;o) Hang in there. She'll get tired of fighting you on this sooner or later. Then life will be much easier. Until it's Riley's turn!
I'm hoping that Campbell will potty train Riley for me when that time comes! : )
From Peepaw
Potty training takes patience. So I say you just got to have patience.
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