Apr 1, 2008

Emmaus Walk

Thursday evening I leave for the Walk to Emmaus. I'm a little nervous about going considering I really don't know much about it. Although, I have heard some wonderful things from other people who have gone before me. Oddly, none of them has shared much detail because everyone has such a different experience. It's one of those things you have to experience yourself.

The one thing that has been consistent from everyone that I have spoken to about it says that once you go your life will never be the same again. If that is the case, I'm expecting great things to come from this.

One thing for sure, it is not a coincident that I am going this weekend. At first I was a little hesitant because I have so much going on this month and it is Campbell's birthday weekend. (no need to worry....Campbell's birthday party is the following weekend) However, I prayed about it and God has a plan for my life and it includes the Emmaus Walk.

Therefore, I am going to be obedient and trust God.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17


Jamie said...

You'll be in our prayers. I'm sure it will be an awesome experience.

Anonymous said...

DE COLORES!!! I hope your life never is the same as you walk out your 4th day. I know mine wasn't after attending a Tres Dias in North Florida almost 20 years ago. Be encouraged that God loves you unconditionally, and prayers have gone up for you during your walk from all over the globe!