Jun 29, 2008

body parts and animal noises

Riley is starting to learn her body parts and animal noises. This is such a sweet stage in a toddlers life. It is so cute to see her pointing to her nose, eyes and ears and saying quack, moo and ruff. She really likes it when I sing "Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes" and the "Old McDonald" songs. Especially in public!

It's amazing what you will do and say when you have kids of your own!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

That is so true! The other day at Wal-Mart, I was going over body parts with John to try to keep him occupied while I was looking for items on the shelf...and when I got to belly, he lifted up my shirt. He likes to show his own belly, so I guess he thought he'd show mine too.