While Campbell and Ida were at the pool, John came over to play with Riley. They were so cute together. I wish they could stay this age forever!
After lunch we decided to take a stroller ride around the neighborhood. Then it was time to come back inside because of the heat and we took advantage of the playroom upstairs. Both of them headed straight for the table and started looking at books and playing with a few puzzle pieces.
Before long, the girls came back from the pool and the play date had ended. I couldn't believe how fast the time went by. Both toddlers were happy and played so well with each other.
I just hope John and Riley are just as good of friends as Campbell and Ida.
Concentrate to the things that could give information to the people.
The Boy is on your blog! I love these photos!
What do you mean good friends? They are already betrothed, remember? ;o)
Any time you'd like the Boy to come visit...just let me know and I'll send him on over!
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