Nov 18, 2008

Oh Boy!

That's right. We are having a boy. Can you believe it? I just knew it was going to be another girl considering all three of my pregnancies were practically identical. Brent is so proud of his boy. Most importantly, he will have another "man" around the house.

Backing up a bit. Before my appointment I asked Campbell if she wanted a brother or sister. In her own four year old logic, this was her response:

"It doesn't matter. I'll take which ever one comes out of your belly first."


OK. Now I need to think about boy names. Any suggestions?


Jamie said...

I've got a list;o)

Anonymous said...

here's why daddy is grateful for a boy....

Rosamond said...

Congratulations! Boys are so much fun. It is a whole different world. Sam and Noah are my two favorite boy names right now. I have an Uncle Sam that I have fond memories of and Noah is for Noah Webster.

Rosamond said...

OK, I just watched the youtube link- actually I couldn't get through the whole thing...Wow, that's downright scary. Heaven help us all!