Jul 29, 2009

Sick Little One

Riley has had a fever of 102.5+ for the past three days. She has been completely miserable. So, I broke down and took her to the doctor yesterday. Turns out she has a urinary tract infection. It really didn't surprise me considering she would cry in pain every time I changed her diaper. Unfortunately, at her appointment she wouldn't pee in a cup so the medical staff had to do a catheter on her in order to get a urine sample. Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. She didn't like it, but at least it was quick and got the job done. We should have the test results in a day or so to find out the root cause of this infection.

Just to be on the safe side, I am taking Riley to a local hospital today to get an ultrasound on her kidneys. Considering it's not normal for a two year old to have this type of infection, it's better to be safe than sorry. The doctor isn't extremely concerned at this point. Basically he just wants to rule it out.

On a positive note, last night Riley was actually laughing and playing with Campbell for the first time all week. It was such a beautiful noise. That must mean the antibiotics are doing its job!

Thank you for all your prayers. Keep them up because they are working! I'll keep you posted as soon as I have more details on Riley's condition.

Jul 28, 2009

Quote of the Day

After dinner I asked Riley what she thought daddy did all day at work.

Her response:

"Play with Barbies"

Jul 20, 2009

Riley's Getting Ready.....

to potty train!

She has been asking on and off for the past couple of months to go "potty". Of course, nothing would come out. It was basically just a game to her.

However, last night and this morning she actually peed in the potty on her own. We have a couple of obligations this week, so by the weekend we should be ready to get into potty training mode. Out with the diapers and in with the panties.

We are going to Wal-Mart today so she can pick out her own pair of panties. Oddly enough....I'm actually looking forward to it.

Jul 11, 2009

Salem Fair

We had a wonderful time at the fair last night. Riley thought she was just as big as Campbell and rode all the rides with her. Jackson stayed at home with Nana, but maybe he will get a turn next year.

Jul 10, 2009


Campbell attended Vacation Bible School this week and loved it! Everyday she would come home sharing the bible stories and singing songs that she had learned earlier in the day. I just love knowing that she is learning about Jesus in such a fun way.

During lunch today I asked Campbell on a scale of 1 to 10 how much she liked VBS. Her comment was, "more than 100!"

She is already looking forward to going back next year.

Jul 8, 2009

The joys of motherhood

With children, you have to expect the unexpected at any given moment. That became a reality for me when I was at Dollar General today with Jackson and Riley.

Jackson was in his Bjorn carrier and Riley was walking along beside me down the isles. While we were looking at books I heard a SPLAT and felt something wet on my feet. I looked down and Jackson had pooped all over the store floor!!! Considering this was going to be a quick trip, I didn't think I would need his diaper bag.

I stand corrected.

Conveniently, to the right of me was an end cap of baby wipes. I grabbed one and ripped it open as quickly as I could and started cleaning up the floor. Riley wanted to get in on the action and together we had it knocked out in one minute flat.

We went up to the check out counter to pay for our books and the container of wipes without missing a beat.

The next stop.....home to change a messy diaper.

Oh, the joys of motherhood!

Jul 7, 2009

Swim Lessons

We have started swim lessons again this year. This year we are taking them at Hollins University. I really like this place better because it is a much smaller class. Thankfully, Campbell is really showing more interest this year than last. At least she will completely submerge her entire body under the water now. She will be a little fish swimming under water before we know it.