Jul 20, 2009

Riley's Getting Ready.....

to potty train!

She has been asking on and off for the past couple of months to go "potty". Of course, nothing would come out. It was basically just a game to her.

However, last night and this morning she actually peed in the potty on her own. We have a couple of obligations this week, so by the weekend we should be ready to get into potty training mode. Out with the diapers and in with the panties.

We are going to Wal-Mart today so she can pick out her own pair of panties. Oddly enough....I'm actually looking forward to it.


Jamie said...

YAY Riley! I'm sure it will be easier since she's so ready! Have fun panty shopping!

Rosamond said...

That is awesome. I wish Caroline would show some interest. She did awesome for awhile and is now totally not interested. Jump on that train while you can!

Rebecca Johnson said...

My friend is potty training her little girl right now and she found some panties at Walmart that are training panties. (Not pull ups, but cotton panties that have a little extra padding so the accidents don't end up in her shoe.) Good thing about boys is when Jake has an accident it goes up and around and soaks his underwear but leaves most everything else dry.