Apr 22, 2010

80's Day

Today the SCA at Campbell's school is sponsoring 80's Days. Everyone at her school is encouraged to dress up in 80's clothing. We didn't participate because I didn't have a clue how to dress her up and I didn't think her daddy would appreciate me giving her "big" hair. In all honesty, I wasn't that thrilled about combing the mess out at the end of the day either.

While I was getting Campbell ready for school, she reminded me that today was 80's dress up day. We both agreed that it wasn't a priority and simply dismissed it. As I was braiding her hair I was thinking that 70's day would actually be more fitting for this event. Regardless, it wasn't happening.

Then Campbell curiously looked at me and asked, "What is 80's?"

As I was hysterically laughing I promised I would show her some of my old high school photos one day. (That's a scary thought....)

Man, I feel old......


Rosamond said...

Funny to have an 80s day for a bunch of kids who weren't in the 80s. Isn't the whole point the nostalgia?

Jamie said...

And why create that decade? Ugggg...the big hair, wide striped sweaters with stirrup pants, and way too much blue eye shadow. Let the past be in the past! ;o)