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A wonderful time

- What can I say, Disney World was a magical place. We are already looking forward to going back someday. Next time we'll take Jackson with us so he can live the dream just as we did.
- We rode all the kiddie rides in the Magic Kingdom as much as possible. Some of our favorites we rode at least twice. Riley's favorite ride was the roller coaster. Campbell liked them all. Brent and I just enjoyed watching the pure joy all over our girls faces. Considering school isn't out yet, the crowd was manageable and the weather was beautiful.
- The girls loved getting their picture made with all the Princesses. Riley was a little shy, but ironically Campbell stepped right up and had the biggest smile on her face every time. She was also very eager to give out hugs. Even the breakfast with Cinderella and the other Princesses was a huge hit. It was so sweet how each Princess would come to the table and really spend time talking with my girls and address them as "Princess Campbell and Princess Riley".
- The girls did great the whole time we were there. Even though Riley didn't have a nap for three days in a roll, she hung in there like a champ. Thank goodness we took the stroller with us or she would have never made it. By Thursday, she was done and only wanted to get out of it long enough to get on the rides.
- It was the best three days of our lives. Come Friday we spent all day at the house just catching up on our sleep and taking it easy.
- Be sure and check out our Disney pictures on the side including our day trip to Clearwater Beach on Monday.
- I am so thankful my kids are great travelers. Family vacations are the best!
Love all the pictures! You can just see the excitement on the girls' faces! So glad you had safe travels and such an amazing family vacation!
It looks and sounds like you all had a GREAT time!! I just LOVE all the pictures and smiles in each and every one of them!! What wonderful memories you all have just created!!
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