Jun 27, 2007


Just when I thought Campbell was going to bypass the "why" phase in her life...it began today!!! I know that asking questions is the only way to learn, but enough is enough and it has only begun.

Here's an example of one of our conversations....

Mommy: Campbell, we need to come inside the house.
Campbell: Why mommy?
Mommy: Because it is raining and I hear thunder.
Campbell: Why is it raining?
Mommy: Because, my flowers need a drink of water.
Campbell: Why?
Mommy: Because they are thirsty.
Campbell: Why are they thirsty?

As you can see, this conversation did go on for quite awhile. Eventually it was nap time and I was able to get a little peace and quiet.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

At least at this age, we can answer all their questions. What are we going to do when they are 13 and asking harder why questions? And you KNOW they WILL!!!