May 10, 2010

Q & U Wedding

  • The Kindergarten Classes at Bonsack Elementary performs the Q & U wedding each year at the last PTA meeting of the semester. It was Campbell's turn this year and she represented the letter "R" for Rainbow Ribbons. She absolutely loves rainbows so this was the perfect choice for her. She has been looking forward to this event for some time. She was especially grateful that she could share it with her best friend, Ida.

  • The kids were able to choose which letter they wanted to be and the parents created a costume to reflect that letter. I have to admit, some of the costumes were so adorable and very creative!

  • When we arrived, we were handed an actual wedding program and took our seats. At first all the "letter people" came down the isle and then the wedding party made their grand entrance for the wedding of the year.....the marriage celebration of Q & U!

  • All the kids did such a good job singing , "Going to the Chapel" and "Stop in the Name of KWA". I have to admit, it was so funny to hear the little kids laughing when the minister told the groom to, "kiss the bride".

  • Don't worry....they didn't actually kiss each other. The entire ceremony was G rated. : ) The bride and groom were holding a stuffed Q & U doll that went through the motions. Unfortunately, I wasn't at a good angle to get a picture of them.

  • After the performance was over, everyone left the exact opposite they came in for the wedding. I'm hoping Brent will post the video up sometime this week before we leave for FL. In the meantime, check out the pictures when you get the chance.

  • I just love Kindergarten and so does Campbell. This has been a wonderful experience for all of us.


Meghan said...

Q and U wedding is such fun!! My students always loved it! I love that the kids dressed up as a letter! It looks like everyone had a fun time!!

Rosamond said...

What a fun idea! She is getting so big!

Jamie said...

Thanks again for inviting Ida to go. She really enjoyed it.