Mar 27, 2007

Play ""

Category: "What's for dinner?"
Answer: Tonite, when this was on the Munseys' table, Campbell said the following blessing for our meal:

"Dear God,
thank you for our food...and friends...and family.

...and pepperoni"

Mar 20, 2007

sweat hawgs

tonight was just daddy and the girls eating together. It was 66 degrees here today, pretty hot, yet I'm not about to cut on the AC yet (see 'lectric bill blog below) supper Campbell said "what's on you cheek, daddy?" I said I don't know and she touched just in front of my ear saying "your cheek is crying"....Little does she know she has been cursed with her daddy's sweat hawg gene. Maybe Riley will be spared, but Ms. Brent Jr. was certainly not.

25% rate hike in your 'lectric bill?

I have no idea as to the validity of the linked website below, but at the risk of a 25% increase, I'll give them my email address. The 25% hike in rates is valid - we even got a "you better get prepared" letter from AEP. Tell somebody you think a 25% hike is ridiculous by clicking here

Tater-tot's two month check-up

Riley had her 2 month checkup today. Everything looks as expected. She weighed in at 10 lbs. 2 oz. and is 23 1/2 inches long.