Dec 31, 2009

Christmas Memories and 9 months old

Christmas is such a special time in our house. The smells of baking, spending time with family and most importantly the anticipation of the birth of our Lord and Savior. The girls enjoyed listening to the Christmas story and lighting the Hope, Love, Peace, Joy and Christ Candles. Thankfully, we were able to slow things down a bit this year and the kids didn't seem to mind at all.

Here's some pictures from Christmas morning with a few of their favorite toys. Campbell loved her Fancy Nancy Doll and Riley was thrilled to receive the pink Three Musketeer Barbie from Santa. Jackson doesn't really know what's going on this year, but seemed to be interested in his stocking for the most part.

  • Jackson is nine months old today. He is such a happy little boy and full of smiles. He is making all kinds of noises and doing his best to talk. Brent and I are convinced that he is saying, "mama and dada" when he looks at us. Maybe he is, but he will never do it on command. He is pulling up on everything and is in the beginning stages of "surfing" the furniture. He is also a BIG eater. I can't imagine how much he will be able to consume when he gets older. Brent will have to get a second job just to feed him.
  • He has a favorite toy.....balls! Any will do. Between three kids we have plenty of them. Although, now that we have a boy we have accumulated a couple of footballs just his size. One for Alabama and the other for Virginia. I think he is destined to be a football fan...I can't imagine why??
  • Happy New Year....tis' the season to watch football. Or at least in my house!

Dec 19, 2009

Having fun in the snow.....

We measured up to 13 inches of snow in our back yard. This has definitely been the largest snow we have gotten since I moved to Roanoke. I've been waiting a long time for this. Poor little Riley can barely stand up in it because her legs are so short. She's not a huge fan of it, but will tolerate it for a few minutes at a time. I think Campbell can stay out all day in it if we let her. Although, a nice warm cup of hot chocolate is very convincing when mommy and daddy are ready to go inside.
Taking turns on the snow sled. I think it's time to upgrade with one that has a rope on the end of it.
Riley was having fun making snow angels. We'll get pictures of Jackson in the snow later on today. I'm sure he will enjoy eating it if we give him the chance.

Dec 18, 2009

A Big Heart

I knew I should have gone to the grocery store last night when the kids and I stepped foot into Wal-Mart this morning. It was packed!!! Bumper to bumper carts were everywhere. Thankfully, my kids were being well behaved at the moment and I didn't need to get that much on my list.

In the middle of my shopping run my cell phone rang and it was Brent. He was inside of Wal-mart returning some items and said that he would come and find me. Not only did he help me with my shopping he even offered to stand in line to pay for the groceries while I took the kids home.

He will definitely get brownie points for that one!!! It's the little things he does that makes me love him so much. He has such a big heart and extremely thoughtful.

Thank you honey....I love you!

Dec 17, 2009

Gingerbread House

Campbell's Kindergarten Class did Gingerbread Houses today. They actually made them out of milk carton's. With a little white icing, graham crackers and some candy, it turns into a master piece. This was right up Campbell's alley too. She LOVES doing crafts. The best part was after daddy came home....she got to eat it!

Campbell loves Mrs. Watson.

You can view all the pictures on the right hand side. Just click on "our pictures".

Dec 13, 2009

Didn't quite make the cut...

Brent and I attempted to take pictures of our kids this weekend "together" for our Christmas Card. Needless to say, this particular one was a honorable mention, but didn't quite make the cut this year. Although, I just had to share it because the expression on Riley's face is priceless! Can you tell she didn't want her picture taken?? I just have to laugh every time I look at it.

Thankfully, we did get some pictures of them individually that turned out really cute and we are going to use instead.

Merry Christmas! Hope you have as much fun with your "Grumpalump's", ( as I do!

Dec 12, 2009

Feeling better

Yesterday after I took Campbell to the doctor she immediately started feeling better. Funny how that happens. Today she woke up and you would have never known she was sick at all. Ironically, no one else in our house caught the virus. I thought I was catching a cold earlier, but it turned out to be my sinuses. Thank goodness for Neti Pots!

Dec 9, 2009

At it again....

Well, I thought Campbell was in the clear, but I stand corrected. Her fever just won't go away. She vomited a couple of times today, but it doesn't seem to phase her much. It's so pitiful watching her lay on the couch all day. Poor thing doesn't have an ounce of energy to her name.

Hope my sweet Campbell is feeling better soon.

Dec 8, 2009

One of those days....

It's been one of those days and it has just started. All three of my kids decided to wake up before the crack of dawn. I woke up with my left eye matted together. Therefore, I am headed to the doctor with possible pink eye infection. Campbell is home from school with a fever, Jackson is teething and Riley....well... she is just glad to have Campbell home with her for the day.

Hopefully, Brent will be able to come home long enough for me to take off to the doctor. I'd rather not take all three kids with me if I don't have to.

Other than's a good day. Calm and relaxing.

Nov 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

It's that time again. We are all looking forward to visiting my family in Alabama for Thanksgiving/Christmas. Considering we do it all in one stop, we have started referring to our visit as Merry Thanksgiving. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Since last year at this time, we have added an addition to our family. I can't believe that Jackson is almost 8 months old. Not only is he crawling, but clapping his hands, sitting up without any assistance and trying to pull up. Not quite there, but almost.

Riley is potty training. We are making progress, but we still have our share of accidents. She actually went to the potty all on her own yesterday without any help. She is starting to get the hang of it. We have to be fully potty trained by the time Preschool starts next year. I think we can do it.

Campbell is loving Kindergarten and seems to be doing very well and absolutely loves her teacher. It amazes me how much she enjoys learning and is eager to share her knowledge with us.

I just love this time of year. Especially being able to spend time with my family makes it even better.

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

Oct 26, 2009

Look Who's Crawling.....

Earlier today I was in the kitchen when I looked over to check on Jackson to make sure he wasn't bothering our cat, Mittens. That is when I noticed that he was crawling past her and making a bee line toward Riley's shoe. He wasn't rolling or doing the inch worm....oh no, he was crawling! That is the look of determination in his face for the "target". I can only imagine that the goal was to put it directly in his mouth.

Only six months old and crawling.....just like his sister Campbell. I guess I'm going to need to keep my floors extra clean from now on until he starts walking. Easier said than done with a messy two year old.......

Oct 20, 2009

Riley's First Haircut

We have been talking about getting Riley's hair cut for a few weeks now. We just never really had the time to do it. So, yesterday around 5pm I decided it was now or never. Considering it was her first hair cut, we wanted to make it a family affair and all of us go together. Trying to find the time and working around Jackson's nap schedule was a little challenging to say the least.

She didn't hesitate at all once we arrived. She sat in the chair all by herself and had the biggest smile on her face. The best part....she still has her curls!

Oct 1, 2009

Six Months Old

Jackson had his well visit today and it went really well. He weighs 16.6 lbs and 27 inches long. Not as much of a weight gain as I anticipated, considering how much he eats in one day. It must be all that rolling around the house he does when he is awake.

His next visit is in 3 months when he is nine months old. It will be here before I know it!

Sep 29, 2009

Not Possible!

It amazes me how much Riley's vocabulary increases daily. Mind you, she is only two going on five years old. Just yesterday I asked her to sit at the table to eat her lunch. This is her response:

Mommy: "Riley, I need you to sit down at the table and eat your lunch please."

Riley: "That's not possible! I need to finish playing first."

Mommy: "Possible? I think it's 'possible' that you will go to time out if you do not cooperate. I need you to say Yes Ma'am!"

Riley: "Yes Ma'am." (as her eyes were rolling in the back of her head)

Oh my. She can be a fire cracker at times!

Sep 17, 2009


I'm not talking about Jackson this time. However, he recently dropped his last feeding and is getting approximately 12 hours of sleep at bedtime. I just love this baby phase. Actually, I love getting sleep!

This milestone has to do with Riley. I started potty training her a week ago today. So far she has been accident free for the past two days and has pooped in the potty.

It was really by accident. I was in the right place at the right time. Yesterday, she was retreating to a corner and I asked her do you need to go poop. She said, "pee and poop". So, I put her on the potty and she did exactly that. It was that easy. I couldn't believe it.

She was rewarded with three M & M's for that one!

I am very pleased with her progress. She still doesn't go on her own, but at least she is getting the hang of it. Until then, we'll continue using the "pee pee timer" as long as it takes.

Sep 10, 2009

Successful Day

A few weeks ago I attempted to potty train Riley around the same time she came down with an infection. Thankfully, that has cleared up and we are potty training....again.

I've known she has been ready for sometime now, but her determination actually surprised me. She doesn't waste any time while she is on the potty. She hops on and goes about her business and gets off to wipe, flush and wash her hands. Apparently she has better things to do than to hang out in the bathroom all day long.

So far she has peed in the potty 6 times and has had three pee pee accidents. Her pull up was dry when she woke up from her nap as well. She hasn't pooped yet, but hopefully that is not too far behind. (no pun intended) : )

A successful day??? I think so!

Aug 31, 2009

Summer Fun

We had so much fun at the lake this past weekend. Here's a few pictures to help capture our time with Grandma and Grandpa.

Floating on the water and enjoying a Seadoo ride with Grandma.

We love boat rides with Grandpa. Grandma and Jackson were hanging out at the lake house.

Grandpa and Jackson relaxing on the dock.

Aug 24, 2009

First Day of School

  • Today is Campbell's first day of school. I knew she was a hard sleeper, but I didn't realize just how much until today. Considering she and Riley share a room now, I had to be extra quiet when I woke her up. I shook her for a couple of minutes and she wouldn't budge. So, I had to resort to a cold wash cloth. Finally, I got her a wake enough to come down from her bunk bed. Once she was up she was raring to go.
  • It was such a peaceful morning and she was all smiles. Not one bit of hesitation at all. Pure and simple....she was ready!
  • I love you my sweet girl!

Aug 22, 2009

Kindergarten Orientation

Thursday night was Kindergarten Orientation. It was very interesting to see how the first day was going to play out for Campbell. Her new school is extremely organized and they seem to have their act together. I am thrilled about her new teacher and I have heard some wonderful things about her. I'm confident she will be a good fit for Campbell's personality.

School starts on Monday. My little girl will be getting on the school bus for the first time. Not only is she going to have fun, but she will be gaining some independence as well.

My sweet Campbell is growing up way too fast......

Aug 19, 2009

Beach Trip

We had so much fun on our beach trip. We had some wonderful family time with the help of Diane and Ron. Brent and I actually were able to have a date night and take the kids to play putt-putt. I can't forget the never ending line to Build - A - Bear. I think we'll stick to the one at the Valley View Mall instead. The rest of the time was spent at the pool or beach. I think the kids preferred the pool to be honest with you. They could only take so much sand in their swim suits.

The kids can't wait to go next year!

No Answers

We took Riley to see an Urologist this morning for the test results from her VCUG. When we arrived he looked at me like I had three heads. He wasn't aware of Riley's history and obviously didn't prepare for our visit, let alone the test results. He gathered as much information he could, but he didn't tell me anything that I already knew.

Needless to say...I was not happy. I felt like this appointment was completely unnecessary.

After I got home and discussed it with Brent, I called the doctor back for some answers. Ironically, he wasn't in the office this afternoon and his nurse assured me he would call me tomorrow.

In the meantime, Riley is scheduled for a 6 week follow up appointment to make sure everything is still normal.

I am so over doctor appointments!!!

Aug 3, 2009

4 month check up

Jackson had a good check up today. He weighs 15.3 lbs and is 26 3/4 inches long. He is 95% in height and 60% in weight. It looks like he is going to be a big boy!

Here's the stats on the girls when they were four months old:

Campbell: Weight - 13.2 lbs, Height - 23 3/4 inches
Riley: Weight - 12.5 lbs, Height - 25 inches

They are all so different, but I love them all the same!

Aug 1, 2009

Update on Riley

I have to admit, Riley definitely has more patience than I do. We had to wait an hour to be seen for the ultrasound. Unbelievable! The appointment itself took only about 20 minutes and then we were ready to go home to play the waiting game for the test results.

The following morning Riley's Pediatrician called with the test results at 8am. Thankfully, her kidneys were clear, but they found a cyst on her bladder. The next step is to see an Urologist and then possibly inject dye through a catheter to see what is going on in her little body. She will obviously be put under so it will not be traumatic for her.

After I received the phone call from her doctor, needless to say I was a little shocked and concerned all at the same time. However, through trials and tribulations, I have found comfort knowing God is in control. He is always faithful and surprises me in some of the most unique ways. At breakfast, Campbell started singing a song out of the blue. It went something like this.... "Jesus is good all the time, yes he is, yes he is." She was repeating it over and over even before I hung up the phone. Right then, I knew everything was going to fine.

We leave on Aug. 8th-15th for our family vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC. As a friend stated earlier in the week, "what a good thing to have coming up!" I couldn't agree more!

Jul 29, 2009

Sick Little One

Riley has had a fever of 102.5+ for the past three days. She has been completely miserable. So, I broke down and took her to the doctor yesterday. Turns out she has a urinary tract infection. It really didn't surprise me considering she would cry in pain every time I changed her diaper. Unfortunately, at her appointment she wouldn't pee in a cup so the medical staff had to do a catheter on her in order to get a urine sample. Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. She didn't like it, but at least it was quick and got the job done. We should have the test results in a day or so to find out the root cause of this infection.

Just to be on the safe side, I am taking Riley to a local hospital today to get an ultrasound on her kidneys. Considering it's not normal for a two year old to have this type of infection, it's better to be safe than sorry. The doctor isn't extremely concerned at this point. Basically he just wants to rule it out.

On a positive note, last night Riley was actually laughing and playing with Campbell for the first time all week. It was such a beautiful noise. That must mean the antibiotics are doing its job!

Thank you for all your prayers. Keep them up because they are working! I'll keep you posted as soon as I have more details on Riley's condition.

Jul 28, 2009

Quote of the Day

After dinner I asked Riley what she thought daddy did all day at work.

Her response:

"Play with Barbies"

Jul 20, 2009

Riley's Getting Ready.....

to potty train!

She has been asking on and off for the past couple of months to go "potty". Of course, nothing would come out. It was basically just a game to her.

However, last night and this morning she actually peed in the potty on her own. We have a couple of obligations this week, so by the weekend we should be ready to get into potty training mode. Out with the diapers and in with the panties.

We are going to Wal-Mart today so she can pick out her own pair of panties. Oddly enough....I'm actually looking forward to it.

Jul 11, 2009

Salem Fair

We had a wonderful time at the fair last night. Riley thought she was just as big as Campbell and rode all the rides with her. Jackson stayed at home with Nana, but maybe he will get a turn next year.

Jul 10, 2009


Campbell attended Vacation Bible School this week and loved it! Everyday she would come home sharing the bible stories and singing songs that she had learned earlier in the day. I just love knowing that she is learning about Jesus in such a fun way.

During lunch today I asked Campbell on a scale of 1 to 10 how much she liked VBS. Her comment was, "more than 100!"

She is already looking forward to going back next year.

Jul 8, 2009

The joys of motherhood

With children, you have to expect the unexpected at any given moment. That became a reality for me when I was at Dollar General today with Jackson and Riley.

Jackson was in his Bjorn carrier and Riley was walking along beside me down the isles. While we were looking at books I heard a SPLAT and felt something wet on my feet. I looked down and Jackson had pooped all over the store floor!!! Considering this was going to be a quick trip, I didn't think I would need his diaper bag.

I stand corrected.

Conveniently, to the right of me was an end cap of baby wipes. I grabbed one and ripped it open as quickly as I could and started cleaning up the floor. Riley wanted to get in on the action and together we had it knocked out in one minute flat.

We went up to the check out counter to pay for our books and the container of wipes without missing a beat.

The next stop.....home to change a messy diaper.

Oh, the joys of motherhood!

Jul 7, 2009

Swim Lessons

We have started swim lessons again this year. This year we are taking them at Hollins University. I really like this place better because it is a much smaller class. Thankfully, Campbell is really showing more interest this year than last. At least she will completely submerge her entire body under the water now. She will be a little fish swimming under water before we know it.

Jun 29, 2009

Rolling Over

Jackson hit yet another milestone today. He can roll from his back to his belly.

I went in to get him out of his bed this morning and he was on his belly. He didn't care for it too much, but he sure did look cute doing it. He is such a big boy!

Jun 19, 2009

Jun 16, 2009

Dance Class

Campbell has always been on the shy side. She can sometimes get a little clingy when put on the spot. She has such a sweet spirit about her and I wouldn't change a thing. We try not to push her into anything until she is absolutely ready.

We figured this out when we signed her up for softball practice. She enjoyed it as long as Brent was by her side the entire time. So, we decided maybe she simply isn't ready for an organized sport at this time. We are going to wait until she asked us to do something. Then we will know that she is ready. When she puts her mind to something, there is no stopping her. That is the perfectionist in her. (She gets that from her daddy)

Imagine my surprise when she asked me if she could take dance class. We explained to her that we could not be on stage with her. She was fine with it as long as we were in the audience watching her. I was shocked!! Thrilled, but shocked.

So, I guess I'll need to start looking into some dance classes for the fall. This is going to be so much fun!

Jun 4, 2009

2 Month Check Up

Jackson had his 2 month check up today. He weighs 12 lbs - 2 oz and 24 inches long. He is 85% in his height and 60% in weight. His doctor said that he looks fantastic and wants to see him when he is four months old.

He had a couple of shots today and he has been a little fussy ever since we got home. Hopefully, the Tylenol will kick in soon....very soon!

Jun 2, 2009

I Survived!

Today was a new milestone for me. I ventured out with all three kids by myself to do some much needed grocery shopping. I knew that I could handle it, but with a two year old, sometimes you have to expect the unexpected.

We pulled in the parking lot and found a cart that has a car attached to the end of it. The girls got strapped in and I placed Jackson in the cart. Needless to say, I didn't have much room for my food at this point. However, we seemed to manage.

As soon as we stepped foot in the store, Campbell wanted to get out and walk. Once I explained that could not possibly happen because "you know who" would want to join her, we were good to go. I gave them both a snack and we were out of the store within an hour. That is record timing for me!

As a reward for their good behavior, the girls put on their swimsuits and played in the water sprinkler. I think I had just as much fun watching them play together as they did.

May 28, 2009

Touching Moment

Earlier today, Campbell was "teaching" Riley her ABC's from one of my favorite books that I received as a baby shower gift. She went through the alphabet first and then proceeded to teach her a word that started with each letter.

Here's how the conversation went:

Campbell: "Riley, this is the letter A." Campbell pointed to the apple located beside the letter. "What starts with this letter?"

Riley: "Applebees!"

Then Campbell went down through the list until she came across the letter H.

Campbell: "Riley, this is the letter H. What starts with this letter"?

Riley: "Heart."

Campbell: "That's right! The love that Jesus has for us."

My heart just melted.......

May 26, 2009

Memorial Day

It was a nice change of pace having Brent home during the week for some good family time and good food. The kids had on their red, white and blue all geared up to celebrate Memorial Day. (Actually, Campbell picked out a pink shirt with a flag on it....very cute.)

Brent cooked all day long it seems like. I have to say I married a very good cook!! He started off with cooking a Pork Shoulder night before last in our smoker for at least 12 hours for some pork BBQ sandwiches at lunch time. He also whipped up some cole slaw and potato salad to go with it. I threw in a strawberry shortcake to quench my sweet tooth.

For dinner he grilled some fish and veggies. I made an avocado salad on the side with a berry smoothie. I think the girls liked the smoothie the best. However, I liked it all! There isn't much that I turn down....especially if someone else does the cooking!

May 25, 2009

My Little Sleeper

Jackson is not the best napper during the day. However, he makes up for it during the night. My typical routine is to feed him at 7:30p and then it's his bedtime. I'll wake him up three hours later to feed him in hopes to help him make it through the rest of the night.

Although, here lately he doesn't have any interest eating at his last feeding of the night (10:30p). He rather just sleep. Doing so, he'll wake up around 3am starving. Knowing good and well that if he does get a good feeding at that time, he can easily make it until the next morning.

Once again, he didn't eat at 10:30p last night. So, I went to bed assuming that I would be getting up around 3am to feed him.......


He slept through the night!!!! And he is still sleeping.....

My little sleeper. My sweet boy.

May 23, 2009

Pics of Jackson

Several people have been requesting more pictures of Jackson. Isn't he cute? Can you believe that he is almost two months old?

May 9, 2009

Riley's Day

Now that Jackson is in the picture, Riley doesn't get as much attention as she did in the past. So, I officially made today, "Riley Day". She and I spent a couple of hours together doing her favorite things.

We both ate a grilled chicken leg at KFC and then headed over to Bratchers for a ice cream cone. We had so much fun together just talking and spending time together. I'm hoping to be able to do this at least twice a month.

May 6, 2009

One Month Old

Jackson had his one month doctor's visit today. He weighed in at 10lb 6oz and 23 1/4 inches long. He is in the 60 percentile for his weight and 90 percentile for his height. The doctor was very pleased and we'll go back for another visit next month for his 2 month check up.

Apr 28, 2009

First Bottle and Art Show

Here is the wall of fame from Campbell's Preschool class. There is a train in the center with their pictures in each car surrounded with all their art work.

Campbell, Grace and Caroline posing in front of the tree.

Diane, Campbell and Riley are all helping Jackson drink from his first bottle yesterday. He finished it in 10 minutes flat!!

Apr 27, 2009

Well Rested

Jackson is showing signs of sleeping through the night at only a month old. (officially he will be a month old tomorrow) I put him to bed around 10:30 last night right after I fed him and he didn't wake up until 6:00 this morning!

Ahhh.....I finally got a good nights sleep.

He may not be consistent with his sleeping patterns at the moment, but I'll take what I can get!

Mar 31, 2009

Jackson Cole Munsey

Jackson arrived at 3:08am today. 7-14.5lbs and 20 1/4 inches long. Apparently he didn't want to wait for me to be induced. I was only in labor for a total of 2 hours. Once we arrived at the hospital, he was born 40 minutes later without an epidural. Thankfully, the delivery process was so quick that I didn't have time to react to the pain. I just simply let my body do what God designed it to do. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything!

Mar 30, 2009

This is it!

I am getting induced tomorrow.

My instructions for tomorrow is to call Labor and Delivery at my hospital to confirm my induction at 5am. Check in with Admissions by 5:30am and be on the maternity floor no later than 5:45am. From that point forward I'm not exactly sure what to expect. Hopefully, the delivery process will be quick and easy.

I am excited to finally see our little boy tomorrow.

Mar 21, 2009

Campbell's 5th Birthday Party

  • Campbell actually turns 5 on April 6th. Considering our little guy is due on April 1st, we decided to bump up the party a couple of weeks in advance so she could enjoy her special day.
  • This year we decided to have her first friend party at Pump It Up. As you can tell from the pictures, the kids had a wonderful time. You can check out all the b'day pictures under "our pictures" to the right of this screen.
  • After the party, all the family came back to our house and we opened our gifts. Brent and I gave her a bike for her birthday. It is still a little big on her at the moment, but she will soon grow into it.
  • A special thanks to everyone that came to her party and helped make it a memorable experience for her.

Mar 20, 2009

Super Kid

Campbell was a Super Kid in her Preschool Class today. She was beyond excited. This program encourages self esteem by emphasizing that they are special and important individuals. God made each one of us unique and we are all "Super" in His eyes.

The flier that was given to the parents suggested a few things to help us to make this a special day for them. So, I decided to go all out and just have fun with it! I made her a poster, provided a special snack and read a book to her class. Campbell brought in her favorite stuffed animal as well. The best part of it all, Brent was able to take a break from work to be there just for her. We kept it a secret from Campbell because we didn't know for sure if he was going to be able to attend this event. She had the biggest smile on her face when he walked in her classroom.

The festivities began around 11:30a in the reading corner where her teacher and classmates had the opportunity to share why they thought Campbell was a Super Kid. Some of the responses were so sweet.

Then it was my turn to explain the poster. Considering today is the First Day of Spring, I opted to put pictures of Campbell on the flower pedals that range from birth to present. The leaves had pictures of Riley, Brent and me. At the bottom was a picture of Campbell holding Mittens (our cat). This was suppose to represent a flower pot.

Then Campbell and I talked about her favorite stuffed animal and then I was able to read the book, Chicks and Salsa, to her class. After the story, her classmates had permission to ask questions about her life. For instance, "What is your favorite thing to do with your mom? Your dad? Both your parents?" I have to admit, Campbell came up with some very clever answers.

I am so thankful that Brent and I were able to spend this special day with her.

Mar 17, 2009

Amost there.....

  • As mentioned in one of my earlier post, here is a picture of my pregnant belly. It is very special to me because Campbell took this picture. I have to admit, she did a really good job.
  • On Thursday, I will be getting a 38 week sonogram to see how big he is getting. Considering he is measuring a little on the larger side, they are trying to keep a close watch on him.

  • Hopefully, the next time you see a picture will be of me holding our precious little boy.

Mar 11, 2009

God's Plan

We always make it a priority to pray with our girls before they go to bed. They have such a sweet innocence about them when they pray out loud. At the end of our prayers tonight Brent was reminding Campbell about her lesson she learned at church ....Hope.
"Believing something good can come from something bad". He specifically wanted to get the message across to them that God has a plan for their lives.

Sweet little Riley looked at Brent without any hesitation and said that God has a plan for you and mommy too.

First of all, it amazes me that she actually understood what he was saying and that she is able to communicate it to the best of her ability at such a young age. She definitely is a special little girl.

Mar 3, 2009

A new phase

Riley has decided that she is no longer interested in her booster seat. No one else in the family uses one...why should she? She is perfectly content sitting on her knees in a chair.

Ironically, she feels the need to take over my chair. So, I put her booster seat in the basement and now I'm sitting in her usual spot.

At least she isn't afraid of change.

Mar 1, 2009

Snow Day

The girls had a wonderful time in the snow today. Brent and the girls made a snowman and had snow ball fights. All of this was going on while I took some pictures and shoveled the drive way. As you can tell from the picture, we ran out of day light. Riley decided to take an extremely long nap, so we had to wait until after dinner to play in the snow.
We can't wait to get out in the snow again tomorrow and do some sledding!