Jun 29, 2008

body parts and animal noises

Riley is starting to learn her body parts and animal noises. This is such a sweet stage in a toddlers life. It is so cute to see her pointing to her nose, eyes and ears and saying quack, moo and ruff. She really likes it when I sing "Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes" and the "Old McDonald" songs. Especially in public!

It's amazing what you will do and say when you have kids of your own!

Jun 28, 2008


Campbell earned her milkshake on Thursday during swimming lessons. She actually put her entire face in the water AND exhaled underwater.

We will definitely do this again next year! The instructors are so good with the children.

For those of you that are interested in learning more about swimming lessons through the Red Cross, here's the website. Once you open the website, you can call the main phone number to the Roanoke Chapter and ask for the Aquatic Department.


The swimming lessons are completely full the rest of the summer, but they will be having some fall lessons this year.

Jun 27, 2008

Red Light

The girls and I were running errands one day this week. While we were stopped at a red light I was quizzing Campbell about the meaning of Red, Yellow and Green lights. It was silent for a few minutes (which never happens) and Campbell asked, "what does the purple light mean?"

Purple? Light?? What??

Campbell started laughing and she said that it meant you can go very fast!!

In the back of my mind I was thinking where can I get one of these?? That would definitely be my speed!

It definitely seems to fit considering Campbell pretends she is on a roller coaster every time she gets in the van with me.

Jun 19, 2008

Swim Lessons

Campbell started swim lessons this week. She has been talking about it nonstop ever since I signed her up a few weeks ago. We just finished our first week today and Campbell is loving it. Here's a recap:

Monday - Wasn't able to get in the water because of some storms in the area. So, all the kids practiced "big arm" strokes.

Tuesday - Practiced floating on her back and tummy. Also, jumped off the side of the pool.

Wednesday - Same as above but actually put her face in the water!!

Thursday - On the way to swim lessons I told her that I would buy her a milkshake if she would blow bubbles while her face was in the water. She didn't have the courage to do it today, but maybe next week.

This morning when Campbell woke up I asked her "How is my little swimmer?" She responded by saying, "I'm not your little swimmer, I'm Daddy's big swimmer!"

I stand corrected.....

Jun 10, 2008

Ice Cream

My parents are in town for a few days. So, after dinner I thought it would be nice for all of us to go out for ice cream. As you can tell from the picture above, Campbell and Riley loved the strawberry ice cream.

Jun 3, 2008

Fun In The Sun

It was such a nice day out so I thought it would be fun to let the girls play with the sprinkler. Or maybe it is called a water ring. Either way, the girls loved it.

Campbell enjoyed it so much last year, that I just knew Riley would too. Sure enough! Her favorite part was trying to catch water in her mouth.