Jul 30, 2007

Date Night

Brent and I actually went out on a date last night. I have to admit, I was a little rusty. It's been way too long since he and I were alone together. We shared a delicious Reuben at The New Yorker and amazed how quickly we were in and out of the restaurant. We actually had a nice and quiet dinner without any interruptions or distractions. I forgotten exactly how quickly meal time can be without children.

After dinner we headed over to the theater to catch a movie. You can imagine my surprise when the person taking my money told me to give him $17 dollars for two adults. It nearly took my breath away. When did the theater prices go up? I know I haven't been to the theater since before Campbell was born, but that is ridiculous!

Once we got over the initial shock of the movie inflation, we got settled in and anticipated the the whole surround sound effect from our seats. We were like two kids in a candy store just waiting for "I Pronounce You, Chuck and Larry" to begin. Considering it got such great reviews, we knew we were not going to be disappointed.

WRONG!! Halfway through the movie Brent leans over to me and said that he was ready to go home. Considering I dished out the dough for this flick I was definitely getting my money's worth out of it. So we decided to stay and tough it out. I'm glad we did because it may be a while before we can afford another one.

I hope we can continue to have date nights at least once a month. Even if it is to run errands together. It will definitely be worth it!

Thanks Nana for babysitting and making us get out of the house. We love you!

Jul 27, 2007

She did it!

Campbell started using the potty on her own! Today we even wore our panties to McDonald's for our neighborhood playgroup. Normally I would have put her in pull ups to go out in public, but not today. The 5 or 6 months of training has finally paid off. We still wear pull up at bedtime, but I'm sure that will come to an end very soon.

Several people told me that one day it is just going to click and she will be a pro at it in no time. I had my doubts, but they were right. It seemed like one day she was having accidents left and right and the next she was going on her own and telling me about it after the fact.

OK...I can officially say that I survived potty training! : ) After everything was said and done...it wasn't so bad after all.

Jul 23, 2007

Riley's 6 month check up

Riley had a wonderful check up today with Dr. Moore. Once again....he said that she was perfect! Her weight is 14-2 and height 26 1/2. She is still in the 25 percentile for weight and 75 percentile in height. She didn't like getting the three shots, but she cried for only a few seconds.

Jul 18, 2007

Sweet Potato

Riley had her first taste of real food today.

Sweet Potato's!

The first bite caught her off guard, but she really started getting into it after awhile. I can't wait to see what she eats next. Maybe peas or carrots. Yummy!

Finding Santa Claus

Campbell loves for me to read her stories out of her bible. She is fascinated with all of the colorful pictures and she is getting really good at memorizing some of the bible stories as well. However, during lunch today she asked me to find Santa Claus in her bible. I'm not exactly sure what brought that on, but she was confident that she saw him in there once before. I reiterated that we celebrate Jesus' birth on Christmas and assured her that Santa Claus was not anywhere to be found in there. Thankfully, I was saved by the bell,(the door bell that is), with a visit from Grandpa. She immediately turned her focus on him and apparently she forgot all about finding Santa Claus.

Jul 14, 2007

Mommy Time

On Friday I headed out to the MOPS Retreat with the rest of the Steering Team to plan for the Fall 2007 and Spring 2008 calendar year. We stayed in a beautiful home with the most amazing view of the Roanoke Valley I have ever seen. No distractions, just peace and quiet. We were able to get quite a bit accomplished in the past couple of days and boy do I have a lot on my plate! After all the planning was discussed and homework assigned, it was time to say goodbye and go back to reality. We were having such a wonderful time without the children and our husbands that we all just sat there looking at each other not wanting to leave our place of solitude.

After much debating, we decided it was time to get in our vehicles and head back home to be mommies and wives again. Back to cleaning, cooking, changing diapers, formula, sippy cups and pull ups. I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I do enjoy a break every now and then.

Jul 6, 2007


It amazes me what comes out of the mouth of children. While Brent was giving Campbell a bath, she looked at him and said that her pink bunny had tendonitis. What??? Tendonitis???? Does she even know what that means?? Where did she pick that up?

Look out medical school....here comes Campbell!

A family af"fair"

Have I ever told you how much I love the fair? It makes me feel like a kid again. Now, I look forward watching Campbell enjoy it as much as I did when I was younger.

My Mom, Dad, and Peepaw stayed with me for a week after the baby dedication for some much needed time together. One of our many places to see and do on our list was the Salem Fair. Campbell really got into it this year and actually rode most of the rides by herself. Considering last year she wouldn't have anything to do with them, this was a drastic improvement. I honestly didn't know how she would react because she has always shyed away from loud noises. It's amazing what a year can do for a child. Just watching her on the rides made me look at her with a whole new perspective. She truly is a big girl now!

Jul 2, 2007

Riley's Dedication

Riley was dedicated at church yesterday morning. It was a speical moment for all of us. I was extremely thankful that we could share it with both mine and Brent's family. It is rare that we are all together at the same time.

Many prayers were said for Riley that were so precious and thoughtful. This is one of those moments that I will cherish for a lifetime.

Children are such a wonderful gift from God.