May 27, 2008

A couple awhiles ago?

Earlier today I asked Campbell if she had gone to the potty recently. She said in her most confident voice that she had not but she did "a couple awhiles ago".

I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I'm sure it is significant in her own mind.

Would anyone like to translate?

May 26, 2008


Campbell has gone two days without her pacifier. The first day during her nap time was a little rough, but once she got past that she has been doing great! The incentive actually worked!

If I had known that taking the pacifier away from her was going to be this easy, than I would have done it a lot sooner.

Apparently, change is harder on the adults than it is the child. Or at least it was for me.

May 25, 2008

Look Who's Walking....

Riley has decided to start walking this weekend. It all started yesterday when she was walking more than crawling out in Nana's backyard. It's usually the reverse.

She has been walking (running) for sometime behind her push car. We knew it was just a matter of time before she had the confidence to simply let go.

My little girl is growing up so fast......

May 24, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Brent and I decided that it is time for Campbell to say goodbye to the pacifier for good. She has been doing really well for the past few months about only using it during nap and bedtime.

We tried our best to prepare her last night for the inevitable. She's not exactly thrilled about it, but we assured her that she can still sleep with her blanket.

When asked what she would like to do with her pacifiers, Campbell suggested that we put them in a zip lock bag and store them in one of the kitchen cabinets. So, that is exactly what I'll do! Just way, way, way up high in the cabinet. A few months down the road I'll eventually throw them away after this phase has ended.

She also asked if we were going to take away Riley's pacifiers. (YIKES!) I explained to her that we were not at this time. Riley is still a baby and we will take hers away when she gets a little older. She seemed fine with this answer (thank goodness....).

Hopefully, this will be an easy transition for her. Otherwise it is going to be an extremely long weekend.

As her reward, she will be able to pick out a game for her Leapster. Let's keep our fingers crossed this incentive will work.

Please say a little prayer for us this weekend.

May 22, 2008

Good Manners

A couple days ago I wore some pink flops (a.k.a. flip flops) with ducks on them. Apparently they make a good conversation piece.....

Campbell: Mommy, I like your duck flip flops.

Mommy: I do too.

Campbell: Mommy, when someone gives you a compliment, you need to say, "thank you".

Mommy: You are exactly right. Thank you Campbell. : )

At least one of us is using our good manners.

May 16, 2008

Modern Art

Campbell loves crafts. She ask to do one practically everyday. She was especially proud of herself when she completed her "Modern Art" project. We used some simple household products around the house and glue. So simple, yet effective at the same time. I chose paper clips, noodles, bottle caps, cheerios and straws. However, the possibilities are endless. Especially if you are trying to clean out your junk drawer or the bottom of your purse.

The best part, she is so focused and it can hold her interest for quite a while.
Riley on the other hand, is just wide open at this point. If I give her a craft to do she thinks it's suppose to go in her mouth.

May 15, 2008


Today was such a beautiful day that I decided to have a picnic in the front yard at the last minute. The girls loved it and it was a nice change of scenery.

Campbell told me it was the best picnic she has ever had!

May 14, 2008


The girls and I take time out of our busy schedules in the morning to pray. It just seems to make our day go smoother and I'm teaching them how to pray at the same time.

So, today when Campbell was praying, she prayed for our family, friends and the hippopotamus swimming in the water.

Hippo's? Where did that come from?

Oh well, they need prayer too....right?

May 8, 2008

Another Child to Love

Brent and I decided that we wanted to expand our family. So, we decided to invest in the life of a child through Compassion International.

I bet you thought I was going to say that we were expecting..... Nope....

Her name is Brenda from Mexico and she is 4 years old. Campbell really wanted to choose her because she had a Care Bear on her shirt. That was good enough for us!

This weekend we are going to write a letter and send her a family photo. We are excited to know that our love and support will help her to receive the assistance she needs to grow and develop.

Please remember Brenda in your prayers. I know that I will!

"...and whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me."
- Matthew 18:5

Learn more about sponsoring a child.

May 5, 2008


Campbell and I had a very interesting conversation in the library parking lot today. It went something like this:

Campbell: Mommy, some men have ponytails.

Mommy: Yes, they do.

Campbell: That is because God made them that way.

Mommy: You're absolutely right!

By this time we were in the library and she was more interested in the Strawberry Shortcake stickers laid out on the counter top.

I wonder what our topic of conversation will be tomorrow?

May 2, 2008

The Perfect Fruit

I love strawberries. It's the perfect fruit.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that Roanoke had a Strawberry Festival the first weekend in May. YAY!

I have been waiting patiently all week for today to get here so the girls and I could meet Brent at Elmwood Park for a "strawberry picnic". It was a perfect day to have a picnic under a big shade tree. Grandma even came out to join us as well. What a nice treat!

My favorite was the chocolate covered strawberries. However, Campbell and Riley loved the strawberry sundae. Next year I might just have to bite the bullet and try the famous strawberry shortcake.

Sorry, no pictures this year. I accidentally forgot my camera. Oh well, I'm behind on my scrapbooking anyway. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise......