Oct 26, 2010


  • Sort of.....
  • I have attached two pictures of Campbell to get a good shot of her permanent tooth coming through. Campbell was one of those rare cases (or so I thought) where her permanent tooth actually poked through first before her tooth came out. After talking to my mom yesterday, she reminded me that it apparently runs in our family. The dentist actually had to pull everyone of my baby teeth because of that same situation. The only difference was that Campbell's tooth was loose and mine were not. My nephew is also dealing with the same situation at the moment as well. Hopefully, he can avoid the dentist.
  • Thanks to Grandma, we were able to avoid the dentist with Campbell. She worked it loose with pliers. In the end, Campbell pulled it out herself and she wasn't scared one bit. She just wanted it out!
  • Me on the other hand, I would have been terrified if someone came at me with something metal toward my mouth. Maybe I'm just a wimp! : )

Oct 24, 2010

Fall Harvest Party

Here's some pictures of Riley's Fall Harvest Party at Preschool. All the kids were either encouraged to dress up as a farmer or farm animal. I wasn't able to be there, but Nana and Jackson were there in my place. I think she had a great time!

Farmer Riley....

Yummy snack food!

Mrs. Maynor is helping Riley with her craft.

Oct 16, 2010

Saying Good-bye

My cat, Mittens, passed away today at the age of 20 years old. She had several medical problems and we decided that it would be best to put her to sleep than to allow her to suffer any longer. That had to be the hardest phone call I have ever had to make in my entire life. The Veterinarian Hospital where I used to take her was extremely empathic and listened patiently as I was sobbing over the phone to them. I am truly grateful for all they have done for her.

Thankfully, Campbell had a football game this morning, so we were not here when Brent took Mittens to the Vet. After the game, we all ate lunch (including the grandparents) at McDonald's before heading home to break the news to the kids. The kids took it very well. We have been preparing them all week by letting them know that she wasn't feeling well and was very sick. Campbell even made the comment earlier today that she thought Mittens was dying. I agreed and told her that Daddy was taking her to the Vet to see what they could do for her. Then she asked me if they couldn't do anything for her would she die? I struggled to get the word "yes" out, but I was relieved at the same time that she understood and had already accepted it.

After we explained to the kids about Mittens death, we had a sweet Memoral Service for her to provide closer and have the chance for all of us to say good-bye one last time.

We will miss you Mittens!

Oct 15, 2010

Campbell's Field Trip

I went along with Campbell on her field trip to Johnson's Orchards on Wednesday. We picked apples, learned how apple butter and apple cider were made the old fashioned way. It was extremely fascinating and educational all at the same time. I absolutely love going on field trips with my kids.

We were there most of the day. Of course, I gave her the choice to ride home with me, but she opted to ride the bus instead. That's fine...I hit the gift shop before coming home and picked up a jar of the delicious apple butter. Yummy!

Campbell showing off the apple she picked off the apple tree.

Class photo with Johnny Apple Seed.

She stuffed as many apples in her bag as she possibly could.

Here's the apple pie we made from Campbell's apples. It turned out so good!

Oct 8, 2010

A little behind....

Here's a few things that have been going on in the past few weeks. I'm a little behind on updating the blog. It's been a busy fall so far, but never a boring moment.

Battle at Byrd. Several cheer squads including the Vinton Terrior Biddie Cheerleaders performed in the fundraiser for Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. All the girls did a great job.

Campbell with her pink medal.

Riley's Preschool field trip to Layman Family farms. We are on a hayride to the pumpkin patch.

Taking a ride on the cow train.

Riley's Preschool class. So cute!!