Sep 29, 2009

Not Possible!

It amazes me how much Riley's vocabulary increases daily. Mind you, she is only two going on five years old. Just yesterday I asked her to sit at the table to eat her lunch. This is her response:

Mommy: "Riley, I need you to sit down at the table and eat your lunch please."

Riley: "That's not possible! I need to finish playing first."

Mommy: "Possible? I think it's 'possible' that you will go to time out if you do not cooperate. I need you to say Yes Ma'am!"

Riley: "Yes Ma'am." (as her eyes were rolling in the back of her head)

Oh my. She can be a fire cracker at times!

Sep 17, 2009


I'm not talking about Jackson this time. However, he recently dropped his last feeding and is getting approximately 12 hours of sleep at bedtime. I just love this baby phase. Actually, I love getting sleep!

This milestone has to do with Riley. I started potty training her a week ago today. So far she has been accident free for the past two days and has pooped in the potty.

It was really by accident. I was in the right place at the right time. Yesterday, she was retreating to a corner and I asked her do you need to go poop. She said, "pee and poop". So, I put her on the potty and she did exactly that. It was that easy. I couldn't believe it.

She was rewarded with three M & M's for that one!

I am very pleased with her progress. She still doesn't go on her own, but at least she is getting the hang of it. Until then, we'll continue using the "pee pee timer" as long as it takes.

Sep 10, 2009

Successful Day

A few weeks ago I attempted to potty train Riley around the same time she came down with an infection. Thankfully, that has cleared up and we are potty training....again.

I've known she has been ready for sometime now, but her determination actually surprised me. She doesn't waste any time while she is on the potty. She hops on and goes about her business and gets off to wipe, flush and wash her hands. Apparently she has better things to do than to hang out in the bathroom all day long.

So far she has peed in the potty 6 times and has had three pee pee accidents. Her pull up was dry when she woke up from her nap as well. She hasn't pooped yet, but hopefully that is not too far behind. (no pun intended) : )

A successful day??? I think so!