May 23, 2007

4 Months Old

I can't believe Riley is already 4 months old. She had her check up yesterday and her Doctor said that she was fantastic! She weighed in at 12 pounds - 5 ounces and 25 inches long. She could have done without the four shots, but she only cried for just a few seconds. We also got the OK to start her on cereal too. Hopefully, it will not be too much of a mess. I'm sure big sister will just LOVE to help. That should be interesting.....

I'll keep you posted.

May 9, 2007

Back Scratch

Campbell has always been able to adapt to change especially when it comes to her schedule. Although, here lately she has been very consistent with her bed time routine for the past couple of weeks. After we tuck her into bed her request is for Mommy to say the prayers while Daddy scratches her back. Then it's Daddy's turn to say the prayers while Mommy scratches her back. She is quick to correct us when we are not doing it exactly right.

I think she will think up just about anything to prolong her bed time routine. Although, a back scratch does sound really good about now!

May 3, 2007

Be Quiet

Campbell is getting into a bad habit of telling me to be quiet. I've noticed it being the case when I am telling her something that she doesn't want to hear. For instance, pick up your toys, don't jump on the furniture, etc... You get the point. I guess it's because she hears it several times during the day when Riley is napping. So, I have been working on this problem for a few days now and trying to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. Last night I told her that she will go to time out if she tells me to be quiet one more time. Apparently, she got the hint, but wanted to push my buttons just a little further to see my reactions. This is how the conversation went:

Mommy: " Campbell, please do not jump on the furniture"
Campbell: "Mommy, BE QUIET!!"
Mommy: "Campbell, it is not polite to tell mommy to be quiet. You will go to time out if you say that one more time."
Campbell: "Mommy, BE LOUD!!"

I just smiled and shook my head and asked Brent to help her get ready for bed. I have to admit that was pretty clever.