Aug 23, 2010

First Day of School

Here's the new outfit!

My little first grader.

The neighborhood kids.

Getting on the school bus.

Campbell is officially a first grader! She didn't seem nervous or afraid at all. She was basically going with the flow like she has been doing this forever. Although, while I was getting her ready she did say, "Mommy, it's early."

I have to agree!

Aug 13, 2010

Potty Party

Table center piece with Riley's potty seat, toilet paper, potty book, construction paper, and maracas.

Cupcake cake

Big smiles!


We have had a tough time Potty training Riley. She has the knowledge, but not the motivation. We have done just about everything and nothing seemed to work.

Until now....a potty party!!

It took a few weeks for her to be accident free for at least 5 days, but she finally did it. And her reward (per her choice) will be Twinkle Toe Shoes. I'll be sure and post a picture of them after we purchase them tomorrow. She is so excited!!
Way to go Riley! We are so proud of you!