Jan 30, 2008

Bath Time

Campbell was very excited when I told her that she was going to spend the night with Grandpa yesterday. Normally, I bath her before I send her off, but she was determined to take a bath at Grandpa's house.

This was our conversation:

Mommy: Campbell, do you want to take a bath here or at Grandpa's house?

Campbell: At Grandpa's house.

Mommy: Are you sure? If so, I need to pack your shampoo. I know they have plenty of soap, but I'm not too sure they have shampoo for big girls like you.

Campbell: [she paused for a moment]...Is Grandpa's bath tub new and clean?

Mommy: ????? Ur...I'm sure their tub is clean enough....

Have I created a monster??

Jan 24, 2008

Riley's 12 Month Doctor Appointment

Riley had her 12 month well visit this morning. She weighed in at 19 lbs and 2 oz. She is currently 29 1/4 inches long.

Honestly, I'm surprised that she didn't weigh more with all the milk she consumes in one day. Apparently she burns it off with all the crawling and pulling up she is doing when she is awake.

The doctor asked to see Riley again in three months for a 15 month check up. Thankfully it falls in April and I was able to make Campbell's 4 year check up on the same day. Now that's convenient!

Hopefully I won't regret it considering both girls will be getting shots that day....

Jan 21, 2008

For Goodness Sakes

"For Goodness Sakes", has become Campbell's favorite words. She actually uses it in the right context too. Brent and I just have to laugh every time we hear her say it.

Just the other day Riley was getting all in her space while coloring. Apparently, Campbell got a little tired of it and said, "For Goodness Sakes" while she gathered up her stuff and moved to a different location. Priceless!

I have survived a full week of boot camp. So far it has been fairly easy for me. I was even able to turn town pizza and cake! That's a miracle!! Don't worry...I put a couple of slices of cake in my freezer for safe keeping. : ) Thankfully, I am over the asparagus stage for dinner and have moved on to soup. I absolutely love spicy food, but I have never eaten a soup as spicy as this one. Thankfully, we get a roll to go with it. Otherwise, it would be a little unbearable.

In one weeks time I lost 4 pounds and lost two inches around my waist. Hopefully, by the end of this week I'll hit my goal!

Then, as my reward I can have my cake and eat it too!

Jan 20, 2008

Jan 19, 2008

Daddy's Retirement Party

Last night my mom and dad came into town expecting to attend Riley's birthday party the following day. Little did my dad know that everyone was in on his "Surprise" Retirement Party.

Around 5:30p last night I suggested that we go eat pizza at Lil' Cucci's Restaurant. They all agreed that would be a great place to eat considering it was a little late to be cooking. Or at least that is the excuse I gave. My dad bought into it and off we went to enjoy a nice dinner out. When we arrived the whole gang was there to greet daddy with a huge welcome. He had no idea that we were planning this in his honor. The food was delicious as always and daddy especially loved his cake. Casey's Cakes did a fantastic job making a replica of his truck.

Congratulations on your retirement! Sit back and kick up your feet awhile. After 24 1/2 Years of service....you deserve it!
I love you so much!

Jan 17, 2008

Snow Day

We finally got our first snow of the season. Campbell enjoyed every minute of it. Although, after going through three pairs of gloves, she decided that she had her fill of snow for the day. She rather look at it from inside the house. Apparently, she doesn't like her hands to be cold and wet. So, she came back inside and had hot chocolate and soup for lunch.

Riley was napping through our play time, but it actually worked out great because I was able to do some snow shoveling.

Unfortunately, Brent had to go into work today....as usual. That's the price you pay for working for the railroad. Or any transportation company for that matter.

You won't here me complaining...nope! I'm very pleased with my one good snow for the year!

Jan 11, 2008

Boot Camp

I've said that I have wanted to go through boot camp for several months now. Well, tomorrow is the big day. No, I'm not talking about military boot camp. It's a class conducted by Oasis Chiropractic Clinic that teaches how to live a healthier lifestyle. I'm more or less going to be detoxing for the next two weeks. It sounds rather odd, but I have heard so many good things about it. I'm not exactly thrilled about eating asparagus for the next two weeks for dinner, but I can handle anything for two weeks. I've carried two children in my womb for crying out loud!

I'll keep you posted.

Jan 3, 2008

No More Bottles

Riley copies everything that Campbell does. So, when I decided it was time for Riley to give up the bottle it was a piece of cake. She didn't even put up much of a fight. Now she is drinking water and milk out of a sippy cup like she has been doing it all of her life.

My baby girl is growing up so fast.

Jan 2, 2008

A New Year

We survived the Holidays and it was as magical as it could be....especially when my girls saw all the gifts under the tree. Well, at least Campbell. Riley was content playing with the ribbons and bows.

Looking back, I was trying to member all the "moments" that happened during 2007. It was a special year and I look forward to what "the new year" will bring to our family.

Here's a glimpse of 2007:

January - The birth of Riley.

February - Brent celebrated his 35th birthday.

March - We started potty training Campbell.

April - Campbell celebrated her 3rd birthday.

May - We took our first family vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC. We can't wait to go back!

June - Our brand new refrigerator stopped working and it took the repair man three visits and two faulty parts later to fix the problem.

July - Riley got dedicated at our church.

August - We took Riley to her first baseball game.

September - I celebrated my 35th birthday.

October - Campbell FINALLY was potty trained by this month!!!

November - We traveled to Alabama to do our Merry Thanksgiving with my parents. (Thanksgiving and Christmas combined)

December - Participated in two cookie changes and attended five Christmas parties during this month.