Apr 29, 2008


Last night we had sauerkraut and smoked sausages with a side of veggies for dinner. As usual, we typically have leftovers for lunch from the night before. It just makes my life easier.

Those of you with small children know that sometimes their pronunciations can be a tad off at times. Here is a classic example from our lunch conversation. I will do my best to spell it the way it came out of her mouth.

Mommy: Campbell, come and sit down at the table, your lunch is ready.

Campbell: YAY! I love "sauercrap"!

Mommy: Good (ha...ha...ha) I'm so glad you like it. (ha...ha...ha)

I immediately had to call Brent at work and tell him.

That was priceless!!!

Apr 25, 2008

Dual Doctor Appointments

Ironically, Campbell's 4 year appointment and Riley's 15 month appointment fell in the same month. I took advantage of this opportunity so I wouldn't have to make two trips to the doctor's office.

All week I have been prepping Campbell and getting her ready for the whole ordeal. I have to admit, I was a little worried because both of the girls had to get shots.

Once we arrived to the doctors office, the entire time Campbell kept saying that she wanted Riley to go first. I didn't have a problem with it until the nurse suggested that Campbell get her shots first. The nurse was afraid that if Campbell witnessed Riley crying, it might get her upset and it would be a disaster waiting to happen.

Reluctantly, Campbell gave in to the nurse. 1, 2, 3 the shots were over and done. Campbell didn't even cry. She was a trooper! After it was all over Campbell said that she did not like getting shots. Honestly, who does?

Riley on the other hand is a little more opinionated than the rest of us. She did not like her (one) shot at all. Immediately started crying and basically cried on and off for the next 15 minutes just because she felt like it.

Both girls got an excellent report and are doing fantastic!

Riley's measurements are:
weight - 19lbs 11oz (10%)
height - 31 1/4 inches (75 %)

Campbell's measurements are:
weight - 34lbs 12oz (50%)
height - 40 inches (50%)

I treated Campbell to lunch at Sonic considering she did so well at her doctors visit. What a treat for the both of us!

Don't worry...Campbell shared her tater tots with Riley.....

Apr 21, 2008

Kite Day

The girls had a great time at Kite Day this year. I wasn't able to go with them due to a schedule conflict, so Nana stepped in and took over for me.

Riley looked like she was just trying to take it all in, but Campbell is a veteran of Kite Day so she knew exactly what to do. Brent told me that the Octopus Kite was the favorite this year. I wished I could have been there to see it.

Thankfully, the weather was perfect while they were there. Right as they were leaving it started sprinkling. That makes for a pleasant ride home.

Apr 15, 2008


My dad is actually a good cook. One thing that he makes really well is popcorn. You know the kind you actually cook on the stove. I have tried a couple of times to duplicate it, but I can't even come close to his.

Every time he comes to visit, I always get him to make me some. So, last night seemed like the perfect night to watch a DVD and eat some of daddy's famous popcorn. It was delicious!

One day I am going to learn his trick. Until then, I will just be patient and wait until next time.

Apr 13, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Campbell

Campbell had such a wonderful time at her birthday party. Especially with her cousins from Alabama. She and Josh are such big buddies!

Now that she has a scooter and roller skates, I'm sure we will be spending a lot more time outside.

Happy Birthday Campbell!

Apr 11, 2008


This picture was taken when Campbell was six months old. I have always loved this picture. Oddly enough I don't have it hanging up in my house. I really need to do something about that.

Campbell has such a tender heart and is the best big sister to Riley. She is also very compassionate, loving, funny and beautiful inside and out. What a wonderful gift from God!

It is hard to believe that she is four years old. All Campbell has been talking about for the past month is her "Backyardigan" birthday party. Tomorrow is the big day! She can't wait to rip into her pinata filled with tons of candy!!

Happy Birthday to our favorite four year old!

Mommy and Daddy love you very much!

Apr 8, 2008


That sums up my Emmaus Walk in one word. What an amazing weekend of rest and renewal of my faith.

I just experienced the busiest and most structured three days of my life.....and I loved every minute of it! I have never witnessed the love of Jesus more than I have these past 72 hours.

If you ever want to learn more about God's Grace and strengthen your spiritual lives; the Emmaus Walk is definitely for you!

Check out this website for more details:

Thank you Sharon for sponsoring me and allowing me to experience a taste of heaven!

Apr 3, 2008

Another Milestone

Riley has yet to hit another milestone. She is standing in the middle of the floor all by herself. It is so cute!

Only time will tell when she begins walking.......

Apr 1, 2008

Emmaus Walk

Thursday evening I leave for the Walk to Emmaus. I'm a little nervous about going considering I really don't know much about it. Although, I have heard some wonderful things from other people who have gone before me. Oddly, none of them has shared much detail because everyone has such a different experience. It's one of those things you have to experience yourself.

The one thing that has been consistent from everyone that I have spoken to about it says that once you go your life will never be the same again. If that is the case, I'm expecting great things to come from this.

One thing for sure, it is not a coincident that I am going this weekend. At first I was a little hesitant because I have so much going on this month and it is Campbell's birthday weekend. (no need to worry....Campbell's birthday party is the following weekend) However, I prayed about it and God has a plan for my life and it includes the Emmaus Walk.

Therefore, I am going to be obedient and trust God.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17