Feb 28, 2008

Bird Feeder

Campbell and I made a bird feeder this morning. She really didn't like getting her hands messy, so I basically did all the dirty work.

It was really simple to make: Mix together 1/2 cup of shortening, 1 1/2 cups of uncooked oatmeal, and 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds. Tie a piece of string to an open pine cone or to a cardboard tube. Cover the pine cone (or paper tube) with the mixture and then roll it in the seeds. Hang your bird feeder outside. In a few days birds may come to your feeder to eat your treat!

It was a great way to teach her about how God made the animals. I was also able to tell her about how God loves the animals very much and he takes care of them. They don't have to worry about food or anything else for that matter.

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:25-26

Feb 24, 2008

Good Sport

This weekend was the BIG MOPS fundraiser with Heart Strings Photography at Rainbow Forest Baptist Church (RFBC). We have been planning this event since December. It's extremely important that all MOPS members participate if at all cost.

The Munsey household got off to a rocky start. The girls were initially scheduled to have their pictures made on Friday afternoon, but Riley came up sick. Considering my children's health comes first, I rescheduled our appointment for today at 12:45p.

Last night Campbell came down with a minor stomach bug. Thankfully, she didn't have any other symptoms. I was determined that everything was fine and their was nothing a little sleep and a lot of prayer couldn't cure.

Sure enough, she was still vomiting this morning. I already decided to keep Riley home from church (even though she was back to normal), so I thought it would be best if Campbell stayed home too.

Fortunately, Campbell was able to keep her breakfast and snack down. I just assumed it was an upset stomach and everything was fine. However, as soon as she walked in the RFBC lobby, she simply exploded and vomit went everywhere!!

The calm before the storm??


Church was letting out so everyone in the children's department saw it. I did exactly what any good mom would do....I got her cleaned up, put on her dress and got her picture made.

In all seriousness, Campbell asked to get her picture made after we cleaned her up.)

After our photo shoot, we came home and immediately put both girls down for a nap. We didn't even miss a beat! I am so glad that Brent was with me or it could have been a disaster!

I'm proud to report that Campbell has been vomit free the rest of the day.

She is such a good sport!

Feb 22, 2008


This whole week Campbell has woken up with a dry pull-up. She is so proud of herself. I am proud of her too.

So, does this mean the end of pull-ups as we know it? I think so! Or at least until we use them all up.

Any suggestions on her reward? Ice cream? A new DVD?

Feb 19, 2008

Full Bloom

My flowers are in full bloom.


Feb 14, 2008

A Wonderful Valentine's Day Surprise

This is the first year that Brent and I have been away from each other on Valentine's Day. He left for some training with the IT department from Norfolk Southern Railroad yesterday morning.

Around 12:45pm my door bell rang. Imagine my surprise when the Fed Ex man handed me a box of flowers. I couldn't get the box open fast enough. Trust me, I had four extra little hands helping me in the process.

Once the box was open, I read a card from Brent that said, "I love you and miss you!" My heart just melted. I am married to the most wonderful man!

Thank you Brent for the beautiful flowers.

I love you and miss you too!

Happy Valentine's Day

my lil' baker....

Feb 13, 2008

Words and Feelings

I always carry snacks with me when I run errands with the girls. Yesterday we did some grocery shopping. It was getting close to Riley's nap time, so I pulled out the snacks to keep her content as possible. I gave her some dried fruit and she immediately gave it back to me without hestitation. This went on for a couple more times until she looked me square in the eyes and said "NO"! Actually, her "no" sounds more like "na".

Apparently, I didn't get it the first time.

Campbell and I just had to laugh at her because it was so darn cute!

Later that day, Campbell got up a couple of times during nap time (Quiet Time) after I told her to stay in her room. The last time this happended, I was on the phone with a friend. I gave her an evil eye and pointed to her room so I wouldn't interrupt my phone conversation. She immediately started crying and went straight to her room.

After her Quiet Time had ended, she looked at me with such a sincere face and told me that I hurt her feelings. This is how the conversation went:

Campbell: Mommy, you hurt my feelings when you told me to go to my room and it made me cry.

Mommy: I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. However, it makes me very happy when you obey and cooperate without being told to do something over and over again. When it is quiet time, it's very important to stay in your room because you need your rest.

Campbell: I would have gone to my room if you would have said please and asked nicely.

Mommy: You are right. I should have taken the time to ask you nicely. I will work on that. Please forgive me for not speaking nicely to you.

Campbell: I forgive you, Mommy.

Yes, these were her exact words. Campbell has such a sweet spirit about her. She reminded me that it is so important to speak nicely to the people that you love. It does make a lasting impression on them.

Feb 7, 2008

House Paint

It's finally completed! Our entire house has been painted. It didn't take as long as I thought and it looks great!

I'll be sure and put some pictures on the web as soon as I can.

Feb 2, 2008

Shopping Spree

This morning Diane (MIL) and I went on a shopping spree to Belk's while the kiddo's stayed home with Brent. For those of you that don't know, Diane has this knack of finding bargins. I don't know how she does it, but somehow they just find her. So, whenever she ask me to go shopping with her, I jump on the opportuntiy!

We came across some unbelievable sales today! My girls are practically set for next winter. I bought 20 items of clothing for $61.74. I saved $318.19!!!
