Jul 1, 2008

I Need A Vacation!!

I am so excited that we are leaving for vacation on Saturday. After this week, I am definitely going to need one! No, just kidding. Although, I do have a lot going on this week.

Yesterday and Today were actually relative calm. On Wednesday is when all the excitement begins.....

10am - Take Campbell to see the Bee Movie
Lunch at Chic-fil-a immediately following the movie
1:30pm - Brent is playing golf with his dad
Start packing for our vacation, vacuum the entire house and do laundry
4:30pm - Take a meal to a friend who just had a baby
5:15pm - Nana is picking the girls up for dinner
5:30pm - Hair appointment

Thursday -
11:00 Watching a neighbor's little boy while she entertains Campbell and Ida at the pool (or maybe it's the other way around)
Continue packing for our trip and sweep and mop the hardwood floors.
5:30pm - Cookout with Nana and Papa

Friday -
Finish all the loose ends and do another couple loads of laundry
Put the girls down early for a nap
After nap have fun at the Salem Fair

Saturday -
South Carolina or BUST!!

Whew!! OK, now I need to get ready for bed because my 5am workout routine comes early!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

And you make fun of me for cleaning before guests? You are cleaning before vacation. Oh...wait...I do that too! Guess we are both neurotic!
