Feb 12, 2009

Ready to pop?

I have had two people tell me this week that I look like I am ready to pop. I know my pregnant belly is a little on the larger size, but I still have a month and a half to go. My belly is only going to get bigger.


With my other two pregnancies, I have taken a picture of my belly closer to my due date. I'll do the same for this little guy as well. Be looking out for a picture sometime in mid March.


Jamie said...

I'm sorry, but I think that telling a pregnant woman she looks like she is ready to pop sounds rather rude. Only the pregnant woman is allowed to say things like that!

I think your baby belly is beautiful.

Next time, I'll come along and give them my mean Catholic school teacher look!

Rosamond said...

Your belly just gets bigger each time, at least that has been my experience.

I agree with Jamie, that just sounds rude to me.

I'm sure you look great.