Jan 31, 2011

New Project

We have been in our house for a little over 5 years now and we finally put up some curtains in our dining room. I'm so excited because it is exactly what I wanted. Thank you Brent for making this possible. : )


Jamie said...

They look great! We must be sharing a brain wave, because I just got swatches that I requested in the mail today to try to match up curtains for our great room! Having trouble with the color scheme. Where did you get yours? Glad I'm not the only one who is a slow decorator! ;o)

Meghan said...

Love them!! They look great! Curtains and I do not get along...I have such trouble finding ones I like and that match!

Rosamond said...

How great. We still have many things to do as well, it must be this season of like. Way to go Brent!

Anonymous said...

Looks good! I need some help in the curtain department in my house.