Nov 5, 2007


Campbell helped me make brownies today after lunch for my weekly bible study that is meeting at my house tonight. She surprised me when she told me to set the oven on 3-5-0-F. Then I realized that she was reading the pictures on the back of the brownie box. Next, she preceded to tell me to put the pan into the oven.

While the brownies were baking, I went up stairs to do some chores. A little later on, she came up to tell me the timer was going off and that I needed to get the brownies out of the oven.

How did I ever survive this long without her?

After the brownies had cooled, Brent was home by this time. You always have to test your goods before giving them to your guest, so I nibbled on a corner piece. I thought it tasted rather odd. I asked Brent to try some as well, but he didn't really notice the difference. Then I realized that I had used Olive Oil instead of Vegetable Oil so it would seem a little more "health conscious".

Boy was I mistaken! They had the worst after taste of any dessert I had ever made. Needless to say, they ended up in the trash can! YUCK!

I am not a baker! I like to use a little bit of this and that in my recipes. You can't do that with desserts. Oh is a formula.

I made a call to my sister for some help and she reminded me that I needed to substitute apple sauce in the place of the oil. Now you tell me....

I'll never make that mistake again.

So, at the last minute I ran to Wal-Mart and picked up some Boston Cream Cake for tonight. Campbell didn't seem to mind that her brownies were missing in action. She was just thrilled to be eating cake!

I think we can all learn from her. A little grace and mercy goes a long way!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

The Boston Cream Cake was delicious. Gotta love having Wal-Mart close by for a back up plan!