Nov 16, 2008

The Gift of Giving

Campbell and I enjoy putting an Operational Christmas Child Shoe Box together every year. I think I have done all the work in the past, but she really got into it this year.

Today during Riley's nap time, Campbell and I went shopping for our little girl (age 2-4) that will receive the shoe box. She practically picked out all the toys and other little goodies that went inside. I have to admit, it was a lot of fun and so sweet at the same time to see Campbell thinking of others needs.

Once all the items were inside, our family held hands and prayed over the shoe box. It was a beautiful moment that we were able to share together.

It truly is more blessed to give than receive.


Jamie said...

Isn't it awesome to see our children WANTING to give to others? I love at how a young age they take this awesome project so seriously!

Rosamond said...

How awesome. So great to be encouraging thinking of others, especially this time of year.