Mar 28, 2008


For the past several weeks, Campbell has woken up dry in the mornings. She is so proud of herself. So, we both agreed that when her pull ups ran out that she would start wearing panties to bed.

Last night she noticed that her pull ups were gone. Brent and I looked at each other with anticipation. Thankfully, she didn't even flinch at the thought of it. She simply put her pj's over her panties and went straight to bed.

Once again...she woke up dry!!

I am so proud of my big girl!


Jamie said...

Aren't strong bladders great? ;o)

I think sometimes when they know ahead of time that a change is coming, they can face it much more easily.

You know, when the girls are older, we'll be looking back wishing for a few more years of the toddler years.

I don't know why...but I keep getting weepy with each milestone and maturing day.

Anonymous said...

So do I. It's amazing to see how far they have come.