Aug 22, 2009

Kindergarten Orientation

Thursday night was Kindergarten Orientation. It was very interesting to see how the first day was going to play out for Campbell. Her new school is extremely organized and they seem to have their act together. I am thrilled about her new teacher and I have heard some wonderful things about her. I'm confident she will be a good fit for Campbell's personality.

School starts on Monday. My little girl will be getting on the school bus for the first time. Not only is she going to have fun, but she will be gaining some independence as well.

My sweet Campbell is growing up way too fast......

1 comment:

Rosamond said...

Wow, the school bus. My Mom has a picture or me getting on the school bus for the first time. It is one of our favorites. Take some good pictures if you can! (If your hands aren't full with Jackson, etc.)