Jan 30, 2008

Bath Time

Campbell was very excited when I told her that she was going to spend the night with Grandpa yesterday. Normally, I bath her before I send her off, but she was determined to take a bath at Grandpa's house.

This was our conversation:

Mommy: Campbell, do you want to take a bath here or at Grandpa's house?

Campbell: At Grandpa's house.

Mommy: Are you sure? If so, I need to pack your shampoo. I know they have plenty of soap, but I'm not too sure they have shampoo for big girls like you.

Campbell: [she paused for a moment]...Is Grandpa's bath tub new and clean?

Mommy: ????? Ur...I'm sure their tub is clean enough....

Have I created a monster??

1 comment:

Jamie said...

She's only a monster if she tells Grandpa his bathtub isn't clean;o)