Jan 11, 2008

Boot Camp

I've said that I have wanted to go through boot camp for several months now. Well, tomorrow is the big day. No, I'm not talking about military boot camp. It's a class conducted by Oasis Chiropractic Clinic that teaches how to live a healthier lifestyle. I'm more or less going to be detoxing for the next two weeks. It sounds rather odd, but I have heard so many good things about it. I'm not exactly thrilled about eating asparagus for the next two weeks for dinner, but I can handle anything for two weeks. I've carried two children in my womb for crying out loud!

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

You'll be able to handle the asparagus...it's the darn flax seed oil! Good for you for wanting to be healthier. You'll do great because you have willpower and are determined. ENJOY!