Jan 24, 2008

Riley's 12 Month Doctor Appointment

Riley had her 12 month well visit this morning. She weighed in at 19 lbs and 2 oz. She is currently 29 1/4 inches long.

Honestly, I'm surprised that she didn't weigh more with all the milk she consumes in one day. Apparently she burns it off with all the crawling and pulling up she is doing when she is awake.

The doctor asked to see Riley again in three months for a 15 month check up. Thankfully it falls in April and I was able to make Campbell's 4 year check up on the same day. Now that's convenient!

Hopefully I won't regret it considering both girls will be getting shots that day....

1 comment:

Jamie said...

And I bet Dr. Moore said she is perfect:o) Which, she is!

Hoping your next set of appointments go well. I'm too wimpy to schedule ours on the same day. Just having John there at Ida's appointment made it a bit more challenging. But then again...I'm a wimp! And it's probably better to kill two birds with one stone!